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March 02, 2005
Liberal Blogger Advocates For Segregation NOW!
Awww, shucks, I just did that for attention. He's not really arguing for segregation per se, and he isn't even making a point I disagree with.
What he is doing is questioning whether or not prisions should be segregated, to reduce the amount of racially-inspired violence.
I don't think it's a bad idea, necessarily. As Yglesias points out, people are in prison to serve hard time, not to "learn about different cultures" or "immerse themselves in an open, diverse environment."
I do sort of question how much it will change things, though. Might it reduce racial violence? Of course. Will it reduce violence? Well, maybe a little; but these vicious bastards will just start shivving and raping each other for different reasons.
Still, gangs are one of the worst problems in prisons, and people join them chiefly as protection against other gangs. And gangs, of course, divide down strictly racial lines; unlike on TV, gangs are not made up of one Hispanic, one Asian, one black, and white kid with a mohawk. Maybe taking race out of the mix will be beneficial.