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February 20, 2005
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Uggghh. Travel is exhausting. Actually, it's not so much the travel as the ludicrous amount of drinking I feel obligated to do when travelling.
It's great to be back.
I blogged during the day a bit, but couldn't blog at night, because my luxurious zero-star hotel featured no internet access.
Well, they claimed they did. But I just couldn't connect. I spent six hours or so over the four days talking to the AOL people (yes, I know, AOHell, I just signed up so I could use their dial-up while I was away) and yet no one had a clue how to get the stupid computer to connect.
Thanks to Hoke for filling in for me while I was at CPAC. It was great to finally meet Hoke, and to meet some of the other bloggers I've known through their sites or emails. I wish I could have met more people.
Highlights: Meeting Michelle Malkin (very briefly). Meeting the cool folks behind TalkRight, one of this site's sponsors. Briefly speaking to Grover Norquist. Getting John Fund to tip me on the story he was working on. Going to my first ever rubber-chicken political banquet (I watched Chris Cox and Dick Cheney speak, then skipped the eight and a half hour meal in favor of drinking).
Lowlights: No Jeff Gannon sightings. Unable to snap a pic of Ann Coulter. Not going out with Karol and Julian Sanchez the night that Ann Coulter and Matt Drudge walked right into the bar they were at and sat down behind them. Having a lingering-flu relapse and compounding it with hangovers every day.
At any rate, I guess I'm somewhat refreshed and ready to start doing real blogging again-- real, pajama-wearing, sitting-in-bed-making-up-dumb-crap blogging again. Not this strange going-to-work-to-blog sort of thing.