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February 19, 2005
The Coulter/Drudge Q&A, Cleaned Up
Matt Drudge joined Ann Coulter for the Q&A.
The first questioner asked about Norman Mailer, asking something like "Is he a communist or just a washed up hack?"
Matt endorsed Chris Rock over Norman Mailer. Coulter suggested that if you want to read a liberal who's actually a good writer, you should read Gore Vidal. (I assume she means his historical novels and not his idiotic essays.)
The next questioner asked about liberals using appeals to emotion to sell their ideas, such that they are, and wondered if Republicans shouldn't do similarly. (BTW, I think Republicans do, of course, use appeals to emotion during campaigns. Everyone does.)
Ann doubted that emotion could be used to persuade men to vote Democratic, as most were already Republicans: “Their glands prevent most men from being a Democrat."
She continued (paraphrased again): "It isn’t so much that they communicate by emotion, that elevates what they do... they attack. The NYT has become Out Weekly, outing the gay relatives of Republicans... I thought they *liked* gays."
"Their method of arguing about the capital gains attacks is to investigate whether you’re into S&M."
Drudge added that the Democrats were at war among themselves, noting his own little story that Geffen is "eating" Hillary (and not in a good way, one presumes).
Another questioner quibbled with Ann's statements that Condi Rice might not be ready to run for President, as she had never run for office before.
“Going to this century," Ann said, "there had never been a previously-unelected man being elected President, apart from Ike, which is a special case." But she did note that she herself had previously supported people with no previous electoral experience: Buchanan, Keyes, etc.
But she maintained that Condi needed testing: "I think that you have to run for something first. I love Condi Rice.... there’s some ineffeble quality. She ought to challenge Boxer or Feinstein.” (Major applause.)
Drudge added that in the new century you’ll see non-elected people rising to president... if Oprah ran, she’d be the Democratic nominee.
Another question: How can we define Hillary so that the American people know what she's all about?
Ann (paraphrase): I think people know who she is, but I think they love her anyway.
She then spoke about Democrats' stubborn refusal to even consider changing their policy, and their constant belief that they just need to find new ways to "get the message out."
She went on: They have two positions on why they keep losing– they couldn’t get their message out– "Maybe we can advertise RU 486 on NASCAR cars!" – or tht the voters are dumb. That’ll bring em out!, she said with gleeful sarcasm.
Drudge added that the Democrats can't just keep calling the voters stupid and then expect them to vote for them two years later. They’re also counting on people not remembering one election to the next, he said, but the Internet to their horror keeps track of these things.
About Ward Churchill, Ann once again demanded: Why is treason treated as an acceptable form of speech? I think it should be treated as racism now is, no longer acceptable.
She then began exhorting the collegian-heavy crowd to take down their leftist professors: ’Its very easy to provoke liberals.... it doesn’t take much and it’s a lot of fun. I think there should be campaigns against professors like Ward Churchill.... expose them.
Drudge suggested that we use "performance art" to draw attention to radical profesors, noting that mockery is the best way to attack them. (I agree, of course.)
Coulter roused the crowd by painting a very bad 20 years for the Democrats: All the intellectual ferment on colleges campuses is coming from the right... they have all the ideas... we are sweeping the youth of America... they are going the way of the Whigs.