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February 12, 2005
Jeff Gannon Lives!
And speaks, in a lengthy interview with E&P.
I haven't been this psyched since the sequel to Eddie and the Cruisers.
On the Plame probe: Guckert said that contrary to many press reports, he was never subpoenaed by the special prosecutor and has never testified before a grand jury in the case. But he said he was interviewed by two FBI agents in his home for about 90 minutes last year.
"I answered their questions truthfully and honestly, but I would prefer not to say more,β he said. βI assume the information was routed back and that is why I was not called to testify."
Connections to White House staff: "When asked if anyone in the White House staff or leadership planted, offered, or suggested questions to ask, Guckert said "absolutely not." He said, "I only met Karl Rove once, at the media Christmas party at the White House in 2003. I was waiting in line for my 'grip and grin' [photo] with the president and he passed by. I introduced myself to him, he said hello, and he moved on.β
Asked if he had any other social connection to Rove or Press Secretary Scott McClellan, he said, "absolutely not. ... The only connection I had with Scott McClellan was when he got married and I sent him a card and left it at the press office for him." He said he gave no gift to McClellan.
On his name change: "I was projecting out into the future at that time that I was going to be a journalist," he said. "I wanted to have a better name that is not difficult to spell or pronounce. For a little while, it protected my family from people who disagreed with me going after my family, but that was just a side consideration. I really wanted an easier name because people have gotten it wrong all of my life."
On setting up sex sites: "They were done through a private company I was involved with doing Web site development about five years ago," Guckert said. He said the company was Bedrock Corporation of Delaware. He would not identify the clients who asked him to create the sites. "The sites were never hosted, and nothing was ever posted to the sites," he said.
Nice work, Oliver and "Kos" and "Atrios." You'll forever be known as the posse that finally brought down the famous desperado Jeff Gannon-- a man so mean he once shot a man just for snorin'.
Thanks to Senator Phil A. Buster.