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February 03, 2005
Hot Dirty-Kinky Right-Wing Links
My mailbox has filled up during my sickness. Here's some funny ones:
A bit late now, but you can still play Garfield Ridge's Strip State of the Union Game if you recorded it.
Curbside Prophet notes that NPR is now aping my appreciation for more cowbell, with this radio essay on the cowbell in rock 'n roll history.
John Wuzzadem has an excellent Hardball parody, in which Chrissy and Andrea Mitchell attempt to figure out which of the Beverly Hillbillies each Bush Administration official corresponds to.
Or maybe, once again, it's just a verbatim transcript. Hard to say. Either way, it's funny.
In the "A Gallon of Irony Spilled and Not One Drop Splashed On Her" Category comes Wonkette calling the State of the Union "vapid."
Wonkette deeming something vapid. I'll just let that sink in for a bit. (Thanks, Nick!)
Not again! They haven't just captured little-known "Cody" of Dragon Action Figures; now they've gone too far, capturing a true American icon.
But don't worry. A rescue operation is being mounted as we speak.
And still more! "Cody's" sister has joined the team.
Hobgoblin wonders where Al Qaeda got the idea to bring puppets into this. Maybe from Ralph Nader...?
And of course Republicans are known for nothing if not their prediliction for starving the aged. Turns out the the Washington Post says we threatened to starve Iraqis too (old folks, I'm sure, who can't pay for both food and medicine) unless they voted.
Via Ghost of a Flea comes this important essay on convincing your girlfriend to have Dungeons & Dragons themed sex.
Step One is obtaining an actual girlfriend, which, I imagine for most of us, is the bitch of the bunch.
Thanks for that to Bill from InDC, who celebrated his anniversary a couple of days ago. Sorry, Bill. I was so sick and out of it I never linked you.
And this isn't funny at all. A beloved Phoenix policeman suffered horribly disfiguring burns after a car accident, and the genuises and moral philosophers at Weekly World News have been so kind as to name him one of the world's ten ugliest people.
The other nine are the cretins on the WWN's editorial board.
Finally, a lot of people are sending me this. Apparently a 13-year-old running a site called Austin's Blog took a pic from Blogs for Bush and didn't link or otherwise attribution. Everyone then began screaming about it, including B4B, Jordan from Cheese and Crackers, and the boy's mom.
I think there's some overreaction here, but I do think the kid screwed up badly. You don't swipe people's stuff without crediting, and that's true whether you're 13 or 50.
At any rate, the brouhaha seems to be the talk of the Internet today. Discuss among yourselves.