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January 31, 2005
Why Won't the Right Concede Any Errors? [Ace]
Andrew Sullivan is for once worth reading; or rather, one of his emailers is.
No, the email doesn't call him the most influential man in the history of the world, nor praise him for his bravery:
They [the Bush-hating left] will take a contrarian position no matter what the topic. They will lie and distort their own past stated positions, The ends justify the means, and all. The same people who claim to have been for the Afghanistan action in order to justify their exceptional opposition to the Iraq action were, for the most part, against Afghanistan. They lie with ease; they don't want us to win anything; they want America to be publicly chastened, especially by our European intellectual 'superiors'. Conceding anything to this crowd, right or wrong, feels like it will lead to giving them something they don't deserve, the higher ground, and, worse, carte blanche to take us back to a pre-911 ostrich-like security strategy.
I think that's on the right track. I think it's pretty clear that the Iraq occupation has not gone as we'd all hoped.
And yet-- my own personal admission of that fact tends to be grudging and sporadic.
When a child does nothing but whine and scream, one becomes less interested in addressing each and every one of the baby's complaints, even if there are a few valid ones mixed in with the constant screeching.
Update: Boy from Troi now rips Andrew a new one, too.
The "excitable Andrew" meme has really taken off. I'm glad that everyone's now seeing through this twit, but I'm also a little saddened that my raison d'etre (a French term meaning "hatred of excitable hacks") has been so broadly swiped.