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January 30, 2005
Moving The Goal Posts [Say Anything]
This from Balloon Juice:
First, critics* said the elections couldn't/wouldn't happen.
Then, critics* said they would happen, but they would be wracked with violence and no one would vote because the ballots were too confusing or the security situation would keep people away from the polls.
What happens when you are wrong twice? Why, you continue, undaunted, to make dire predictions.
This is just the beginning.
I've been watching Iraq election coverage on CNN and MSNBC all day and the general theme of the coverage seems to be "what's next." Seems like a lot of these "experts" would like to erase the memory of this victory from mind as soon as possible so that they can move on to the next negative story.
"What's next" is a valid question, but its one that's already been answered. As the President has already decided, we will continue to assist the newly-elected Iraqi government in whatever role they deem as acceptable. The future of Iraq has been handed over to the Iraqi'\s this day.
"What's next" is a question to be answered by them.
[Cross-posted at Say Anything]