� Iraqi Elections: Live-Blogging (WuzzaDem) |
A Wonderful Day In Iraq [Say Anything] �
January 30, 2005
What A Wonderful Thing To Wake Up To. [Dave at Garfield Ridge]
When I went to sleep last night, the Iraqis had just begun their voting.
When I woke up just now, the Iraqis had finished-- in record numbers, without the widespread violence everyone, including me, had feared.
Alas, there still were attacks, and tragic deaths as a result. Zarqawi's group claimed responsibility for several in a very odd way:
A statement posted on several Islamic Web sites, purportedly from a group headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, claimed responsibility for Sunday's attacks on polling areas in Baghdad as well as attacks in other areas of Iraq.
The statement said the group had promised to conduct the attacks "to make fun of those that demand democracy."
Ha! The jokes on you, beheader:

I wonder what John Kerry and his faithless friends are going to say about all of this?
Kerry: 'We Should Not Overhype Election'.... (Drudge)
John Kerry, I believe we should finally stop overhyping *you*.
More from his "Meet the Press interview, care of the WaPo:
"It is hard to say that something is legitimate when whole portions of the country can't vote and doesn't vote," Kerry said.
Those prevented from voting were kept away by the enemy; would John Kerry have thrown away the whole election in order to please our enemies? Uh, don't answer that.
Besides, someone should tell John Kerry that it's happened before. I wonder if he'd like to the winner of this election illegitimate.
Godspeed, free people of Iraq. May you soon live in peace and prosperity, and cheerfully wave goodbye at our boys and girls heading home in victory.
UPDATE: One last thought before I leave my house this morning: what do today's events tell us about the strength of our enemies?
The insurgents had months to prepare for this election. The all knew how important it was. Yet, by all reports so far, they failed in their nefarious mission.
I expect more bombings, and assassinations of newly-elected members of the Iraqi Parliament. But still, this was our enemies golden opportunity, a chance to launch their own Tet Offensive with all of the world's media-- well, at least some of them-- watching. They failed to take that chance, either through miscalculation, or impotence.
I believe that the truth is likely to be much, much closer to the latter than the former reason. Don't be looking hard for any folks in the MSM to be saying that, however. America and Free Iraq winning the war makes for bad copy at the New York Times.
Even as the war continues, I'm reminded today of the words of Margaret Thostaer, after the first British victory in the until-then dark days of the Falklands War: "Rejoice! Rejoice!"
Yes indeed. Rejoice today. Rejoice!
-- Dave at Garfield Ridge.