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January 28, 2005
YEEE-HAAA!! It's Official (WuzzaDem)
AP via Drudge:
Harold Ickes, a leading Democratic activist and former aide to President Clinton, said Friday he is backing Howard Dean to be chairman of the Democratic National Committee β giving a powerful boost to the front-runner.
That's right, the speculation over whether the "Clinton Camp" or the "Deaniacs" will control the direction of the Democratic party can stop now. Thanks to an endorsement from
"Slick" Harold Ickes, the marriage has been arranged, and Dean is now the proud father of nearly 50 of the 215 votes he needs to be the next DNC Chairman.
Isn't Dean a little too far left, you say? Don't be silly. Just listen to SlIckes:
"Many people say Howard Dean is a northeastern liberal, he is progressive, but his tenure as governor of Vermont was that of a real moderate."
See? He's a moderate? I swear, the Democrats are convinced that if they repeat something enough, everyone will believe it. That was the Clinton magic, Harold. When you try it, it's like comparing my Uncle Sol pulling a quarter out of my ear to David Copperfield vanishing a 747. Not quite the same - in fact, I'm embarrassed for you. Almost.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, Ickes' endorsement does not mean that Dean is getting the nod from the Clinton camp:
Ickes, who heads the political action committee of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., said the endorsement was his alone and "does not reflect Sen. Clinton's opinion."
Obviously, Harold Ickes doesn't need to get
Hillary's permission before he endorses Howard Dean. Sure, he runs her PAC, but he's his own man, right?
I think it's great. Howard Dean is just the man to steer the Democratic party in the right direction - hard left. I'm so happy I could just scream at the top of my lungs.
Posted by John from WuzzaDem