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I Hate To Do This To You All, But. . . [Dave At Garfield Ridge] »
January 28, 2005
From the Mailbag
Dear jordan,
Listen to this one: "Dean had the oranges," said one of the other
candidates for DNC Chair recently, "but he couldn't make orange juice."
It might take a second to figure out, but he was talking about you.
As the race for DNC Chair heats up, the attacks on Howard Dean
have been relentless, even bizarre. But Governor Dean usually isn't the
target of the attacks -- you are. And, unfortunately, those attacks have been more serious than the one about oranges.
They say that you don't really matter. That you have made no difference.
Obviously, Governor Dean has a different view. You and hundreds of
thousands of others have built something to last beyond a single
election cycle -- you have revived our democracy and breathed new life
into the Democratic Party.
They say you don't count. That your work to elect Democrats at every
level of office, in every region, somehow didn't matter. That the
consultants and strategists have fought these last few elections just
fine, thank you, and there's no need for change.
They ignore the doors you knocked on and dollars you gave to elect
Dean Dozen candidates -- new mayors in Utah and Oregon, judges in
Alabama and Georgia, and governors in Washington State, New Hampshire
and Montana.
Governor Dean believes that a bottom-up strategy of empowering
Democrats in local communities will be the core of a lasting majority.
Since my last e-mail to you, Governor Dean has been all over the
country, including Georgia, Missouri, California, Michigan and
Kentucky, talking to the 447 people from every state and territory who
will decide this election. Your support has made that possible.
But the race just gets tougher -- and the stakes get higher. The
other candidates have raised huge sums in unlimited donations from
corporate interests and wealthy individuals. And they're spending it on
negative attacks -- not just on Governor Dean, but all of us who
support him.
These desperate attacks come from people inside Washington who want
to preserve the status quo -- even if it means keeping Democrats in the
minority for another decade. They worry that reform from outside
Washington will threaten the comfortable place they have made for
themselves inside the establishment.
But in politics, the only place that counts is first place. And we
need reform because it's time the Democrats took first place back.
Thank you.
Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democracy for America
I cannot demand strongly enough: If you are an officer of the DNC, vote Howard Dean. If it helps, I like to think of him as "a reformer with results."
Your cooperation is appreciated.