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January 27, 2005
Fidgeting and Pacing Are Good For You After All
Have you ever wanted to just say "leave me alone" to people who tell you to stop fidgeting or pacing because you're making them "nervous?"
I know I have.
But the next time anyone says that to you, you can tell them that you're simply exercising.
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic believe it’s not the trips to the gym, but the everyday pacing, fidgeting and restlessness that may play a bigger role in whether someone’s fat or thin, according to a small study of self-described couch potatoes.
The scientists found that the obese people they studied sat for about 150 minutes more a day on average than their lean subjects, and that meant they burned about 350 fewer calories a day.
If the overweight subjects could match the behavior of their lean counterparts, that could work out to a weight loss of about 33 pounds a year, the study said. And it’s not necessary to go to the gym to do that.
I also read someplace else a while ago (sorry, no link) that you can burn up to 800 calories a day just by fidgeting.
Sounds like more fun than the gym or an exercise dvd.
Zelda - The Urban Grind