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January 25, 2005
A Little Late Lovin' For A Friend.
Sobekpundit, *the* Photoshopping Madman of the 21st Century, posted an inspired series of variations on Darth Tater. Problem is, he did it a week ago.
Alas, Sobek knows that even a brilliant idea is a wasted idea when no links your blog.
So, in kinship with the bloggers who spend hours writing, reviewing and editing their perfect posts only to find out that, sadly, no one really gives a flyin' frak what they thought about the premiere of Battlestar Galactica. . .
In kinship with the girl who once stood three people behind Paul Anka in line at the DMV but still couldn't get her story published on Ace, no matter how hard he tried. . .
In kinship with the 1,823rd blogger in a row to make a joke using the punchline "like Michael Moore at an Old Country Buffet". . .
In kinship with every blogger who ever cursed the names of Bill Simmons or Jonah Goldberg for getting paid to do the schtick they do twice as good for free. . .
In kinship with the blogger who discovered that the memos *must* have been written in Microsoft Word. . . in December 2004. . .
In kinship with the Forgotten Blogger Nation, I urge you all to visit Sobekpundit's Potato Head Collection.
For all the bloggers who toil away in Sitemeter obscurity. . . declare your solidarity with Sobek.
Dave at Garfield Ridge