« January 24th Most Depressing Day of the Year [Ace] |
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January 24, 2005
-Some potentially interesting stuff about the UN over at the UnPo right now.
-Another victory of satire over leftism, as the savvy mental patients at IraqWarWasWrongBlog have gotten a personal vote of support from Paul Krugman.
Too good to be true.
-Malkin has more on the crushing of bumper sticker dissent thing.
-Uber-blogger Jack at Tigerhawk considers the Gitmo Suicide Attempts.
Make sure and click around. Tigerhawk is primo.
-A bit of amusing leftist insanity unearthed today at LGF:
Given a choice I would trust Iran more than the neo cons sitting in Washington. Iran has never in the past given any indication that it had any aggressive intent towards any of its neighbouring countries. And it has reasons to be worried about its security with neighbours like Israel and Iraq where more than a 100,000 US troops are based. -R. Venugopal, Delhi, India
There's more.
-And finally, in pointless blogging news, Kevin gets wild with the females.
As if.
Ace's Addendum: Reality TV watchers must read the Wizbang "Kevin gets wild with the females" piece.
Paige Davis of Trading Spaces got fired because of... rumors of three sex videotapes?
Paige Davis? I could see the super-bosomy and slightly Muppet-ish blonde designer Genevieve involved in such improprieties. Or that filthy whore Hillary Santo-Thomas. Or definitely Frank.
But Paige? Sugar-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth Paige? Get out of town!
It's always the ones you least expect.
And, even cooler, Amber Brkich (is that how you spell her name? She doesn't even know) and "Boston" Rob will be contestants in the next Amazing Race, starting March 1st.
I don't care about celebrity couplings, but for some reason, I really want those two to work out. Why? I don't know. They just seem really cool.