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Uncommon Valor »
January 19, 2005
Pajama Guys, 20; High-Paid Media Poobahs, Nil
The Unpopulist makes a good catch -- for free -- that CBS' million-dollar "independent" panel missed:
[T]he weekend that 1st Lt. Bush was supposedly ordered to report for his physical, May 13-14, 1972, the Ellington Air Guard Base was closed. It was Mother's Day. Except for emergencies, Air Guard units never drilled on Mother's Day; the divorce lawyers would be waiting at the gate...
And he says a survey of the pay records demonstrate this fact.
If you were playing your ten-year-old nephew in basketball, this would be the point at which you deliberately began missing shots and "accidentally" rebounding his shots into the basket in order to let the kid come within a respectable distance of winning.
But it's not b-ball against a ten year old, so keep piling on the points.