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Racial Humor »
January 12, 2005
Oliver Willis to Michelle Malkin: "Quit Taking Money From Rich White Guys"
I'm not going to link this idiot, but here's some of what he has to say:
Poor Widdle Michelle
"Widdle." That's the mark of an important essayist.
Taking time off from writing about how all the Asians and Arabs should be rounded up and sent to internment camps,
Odd, I don't remember that.
Michelle Magalang whines about those poor, misunderstood minoritiy conservatives and how everybody now understands that they're on the take.
What is this "Magalang" thing? Is that her unmarried name? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Willis sure seems to be really pushing the point that Malkin is non-white.
We all sort of noticed that, Ollie. And she sort of mentions her Phillipines heritage a couple of times a month. So she's not trying to "pass," Ollie, as you attempt to "pass" for a thoughtful writer who weighs something less than three bills.
Here's a tip for Magalang, JC Watts, Armstrong Williams and the rest of you: quit taking money from rich white guys and berating your own people, and we'll quit calling you out for the buckrakers that you are. Deal?
Rich white guys? Like George Soros, Ollie? Word on the street is he keeps you flush in Filet-O-Fishes.
And as for "berating your own people" -- tell it to Cosby, Ollie.
Your idea of "racial authenticity" is the same as any other hard lefty-- you refuse to admit any real problems caused by your race, or any other minority race, preferring to always blame everything on White Devils.
Malkin has every right to castigate the Philippine Government for its cowardice in Iraq, just as you, Roundy McHeartPalpitations, so whiningly announce your right to castigate the US government.
Maybe it's time for another one of Willis' racially-sensitive "jokes" about Malkin, like his infamous "If it's brown, get down!"
Jack. Fucking. Ass.
Thanks to Hubs and Spokes for making me angry.