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January 11, 2005
MRC Must-Reading Today
Just about every item is worth your attention.
Just to let you know what's there:
Keith Olbermann says the Panel stated there was no political bias at CBS, but opined there is political bias at FoxNews, as they ran those SwiftVet advertisements (as did most other outlets, including MSNBC, of course);
Chris Matthews frets that four staffers got fired at CBS, and yet no one's gotten fired in the Bush Administration for taking us to war on a lie;
and 60 Minutes producer Don Hewitt candidly asks, "Does anybody really think there wouldn't have been more scrutiny if this had been about John Kerry?"
Nice, Don.
Here's the thing about liberals in the media.
I don't mind liberals as people. Honestly! Some of my best friends really are liberals-- in fact, some of them are Chomskyites, and one is a Communist.
As people, I don't let their politics infect my opinion of them. Politics is not always the personal.
And I honestly would not mind liberals in the media, necessarily, based on their politics alone.
What I mind-- what I find gob-smackingly vile -- is their dishonesty about it.
And that is a reason to dislike someone. I wouldn't write someone off as a human being simply because they sincerely disagreed with me about the War on Terror, but a constant pattern of childish lying is something else again.
Don Hewitt is a cut-and-dried liberal. But he's also got the guts and simple decency to admit the truth. I don't like his politics, but I don't think I mind him as a human being.