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Burkett's Paper-Trail of Dubiousness Ignored by Mapes and CBSNews »
January 10, 2005
Burkett Wanted Payment
Page 44-45:
Prior to giving the documents to Mapes and Smith, Lieutenant COlonel Burkett demanded that he not be revealed as the source, and Mapes agreed to protect his identity. In addition or some time either before or after Lietuenant Colonel Burkett gave the documents to Mapes and Smith, he requested various "arrangements," including the following: a consulting contract, which would allow him to be compesnated by 60 Minutes Wednesday; security protection or relocation assistance if the sotry put him or his family in danger; and for Mapes to place him touch with someone from Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign so that he could provide strategic advice to that campaign aas to how to rebut the attacks on Senator Kerry's Vietnam service by the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth."
[Emphasis added.]
So, he wanted cash and he explicitly asked for CBSNews to arrange for him to provide partisan service on behalf of George Bush's political opponent.
"Unimpeachable"? To Dan Rather, apparently so.