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January 07, 2005
The Michael Moore Party
Wardrobe Door collects up the juiciest quotes from yesterday's election protest.
Michael Moore is cited as an inspiration by many of them -- including the babbling, boo-hooing Barbara Boxer.
Let's give Michael Moore his props-- he has managed to make himself the spiritual leader of one of the two major political parties in America.
He can take some pride in that fact.
The Democratic Party, however, should be utterly embarassed by it.
The Republican Party has its embarassments, too, of course. But our top elected officials don't praise them and don't cite them as inspirations.
Jerry Falwell is a well-meaning guy, and absolute political poison to half the country. Do prominent Republicans praise him as an "inspiration"? Or do they keep a respectable distance?
The latter, of course.
It's sad, but the once-vigorous Democratic Party has now officially been co-opted by the America-hating left. MoveOn.org says they bought the party, and now they own it-- and they're right. They own a big piece of it.
George Soros has a substantial ownership stake, too, and Michael Moore has become a majority shareholder through sweat-equity.
And the man's got a lot of sweat.