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Another Superb Rip On that CJR "Bloggergate" Piece »
January 05, 2005
Christopher Hitchens' Top Ten Slams of 2004
Football Fans for Truth compiles their favorites, among which:
On Democrats trafficking in the rumor that the White House had Osama bin Laden stashed away for an "October Surprise"
What will it take to convince these people that this is not a year, or a time, to be dicking around? Americans are patrolling a front line in Afghanistan, where it would be impossible with 10 times the troop strength to protect all potential voters on Oct. 9 from Taliban/al-Qaida murder and sabotage. We are invited to believe that these hard-pressed soldiers of ours take time off to keep Osama Bin Laden in a secret cave, ready to uncork him when they get a call from Karl Rove? For shame.
NOTE: Oddly, the header explaining who Hitch is talking about follows, rather than prefaces, each quote. Just skip down to the footer first and it should all read nicely enough.