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January 03, 2005
Powerful Tsunami Footage
What's most creepy here is that apparently there is nothing amiss in the first few seconds of this home movie. And then they rush to their balcony, to see their entire town being swept away by a ten-foot tall surge of brown-black muddy water.
It's amazing.
Via The American Mind, who seems supportive of the "lifetime detention" plan for terrorists.
I'm supportive too. Detractors are thinking in terms of criminal law, in which fairness dictates a trial, conviction, and set period for detention. But while many of these bastards are in fact criminals, they're being held primarily as enemy (unlawful) soldiers captured in war.
And you hold captured prisoners until you either negotiate a release with the opponents, or until an armistice is declared.
Now, this is indeed a war that may go on for some time. But that does not change the basic rule that captured soldiers are held until hostilities end. And if Al Qaeda wants to make war for generations to come, that's just bad luck on their "soldiers," isn't it?
Al Qaeda can get its "soldiers" released any time they like-- by surrendering.