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December 01, 2004
Questions About the New Look of the Site
Let me address some common questions and complaints:
The comments are still buggy. I'm sorry, I have no idea how to fix this any further. Madfish Willy did a man's job by at least getting the comments to allow you to include your name, but, alas, I don't know why some of you aren't permitted to comment, and I don't know why it won't remember anyone.
I will continue begging for help, but honestly, my please-help-me-I'm-a-moron credits are just about used up.
I like the old site design better. Yes, so did I. I changed to this look not because I like the look, but because the old design was screwed up in technical terms, and wouldn't mesh correctly with the way Moveable Type's template system works.
Among other things, I needed my ads to appear on all pages -- including individual entry pages and archive-by-month pages -- and I needed them ON THE SIDE, rather than up top, which causes some people to think they'd reached a blank page containing nothing but ads. I couldn't see how to do this with the old design, so I switched to a default look.
I intend to put in the features and fonts and colors of the old design back into this design little by little, but I'm kind of incompetent and also kind of lazy. I figure the hours it's going to take me to do that would be better spent blogging, or, at the very least, trolling for porn, so I keep putting it off.
What about the death card logo? Pretty much first on my list of additions. I miss it too. I just don't know how to put it in the banner. I can play around through trial and error, I guess.
Hey! What about your blogroll?! Pretty much first on my list. Remember what I said about the death card being first on the list? I lied. The blogroll is the first on the list.
When will I do it? Soon. Maybe tonight. I just need to gird myself for the massive annoyance which is playing with MT templates.