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"I actually was at Game 6, before I wasn't" »
October 23, 2004
"I don't care if the troops are demoralized"
Lawrence O'Donnell in full leftist meltdown.
More from PoliPundit.
And all courtesy of Wizbang, who has an interview with John O'Neill, the target of O'Donnell's meltdown.
Did I mention that you should probably think about voting? These are the people who will control our government and foreign policy if you just sit on your ass and hope Bush wins.
Update: Not really related, but if Kerry wins, America will end up the nation-state equivalent of this guy.
You should think twice about clicking on that link. It ain't pretty.
Video Daily Double Update: The Daily Recycler has the video. Thanks to Polipundit again, who wonders just how many times the very-tolerant Lawrence O'Donnell can mention "lesbian sex" during an interview.