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October 19, 2004
No Media Bias, Part 9,754
The Los Angeles Times dutifully "fact-checks" all of Bush's statements, and pretty much calls them all lies. If Bush notes Kerry would impose a "Global Test" on the use of force, the LAT notes that Kerry claims he won't give foreign nations a veto over the use of force-- as if Kerry's campaign rhetoric was proof-positive of a distortion.
But oddly enough, the LAT does no fact-checking for this Kerry attack:
The Democrat, who had planned on pounding the administration for the nation's shortage of flu vaccine, switched gears to capitalize on a report in Monday's Washington Post that Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq last year, complained last winter that a lack of supplies threatened the Army's fighting capacity.
"Despite the president's arrogant boasting that he's done everything right in Iraq and that he's made no mistakes, the truth is beginning to come out and it's beginning to catch up with him," Kerry said at a West Palm Beach retirement community. "And on Nov. 2, it will catch up with him."
Hmmmm... what's the problem with that? Well, for one thing, Sanchez was talking about an old problem with supply, one that's been cured, something the LAT doesn't bother to note.
Furthermore, Sanchez was complaining that the $87 billion supplemental bill to arm and equip our Iraqi soldiers was moving slowly through the pipeline.
You know-- the $87 billion Kerry voted against.
The LA Times has no time to fact-check this. Either it wasn't worth a sentence to note that the Kerry voted against the very same supplies he's now whining were late in coming, or else, once again, the Mainstream Media just "forgot" to mention it entirely.