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October 19, 2004
Instapundit Launches Denial-of-Traffic (DoT) Attack on Filet-O-Fish
For some time I've been a bit pissy that it's relatively hard for me to get linked by Instapundit, whereas Filet-O-Fish merely needs to call him a "hack" or "smear artist" and get the exact Instalanche he was seeking in the first place.
Pissy? Okay, more than that. Whiny. Words have meanings. I whined, at the end of this post.
But maybe Ace of Spades HQ also gets results.
Because today Instapundit slaps up Willis thus:
Meanwhile, further down in the comments, Oliver Willis calls me "partisan." In the sense of supporting a candidate, sure, since I pretty much gave up on Kerry quite a while ago, but not in the sense of supporting a party regardless of candidate. I'm not, you know, a paid flack for one party like, say, Oliver, and part of my disgust with the Democrats stems from their stubborn unwillingness to be serious about the war, or to tolerate candidates who are.
But in fact, it's possible to have opinions, even strong ones, and to express them in a non-abusive fashion. That's probably easy to forget when you work for David Brock, but I hope that he'll grow out of this confusion, eventually.
Here's the cool part: No link for Willis. He just references a comment Willis makes on someone else's site.
Now, predictably, Willis, e'er hungry for Instalinks (as well as Chicken Tenders) posts a big jagoff response on his little dopeblog.
Will Instapundit, for once, withstand the urge to give Filet-O-Fish exactly what he wants? Only time will tell.
Instapundit, I will personally give up any and all future Instalinks if you please, please, please stop paying undue attention -- and giving undue rewards -- to this talentless, nasty hack. I wouldn't mind so much being Insta-ignored were it not for the fact that you shower so much Insta-love on people who clearly are beneath you.
Well, who cares who's beneath you? Beneath me is what I guess I'm getting at.
And all the other conservative bloggers would also feel a little less left out of the fun, too, if you were more even-handed about who you don't link. You can't link everyone; we know that. But it wouldn't sting so damn much if Willis weren't getting a prominent link every two weeks.
Am I too much of a potty-mouth, invective-spewing hack to be considered respectable? Hey, I hear ya-- I can understand that. But then I don't understand why Willis gets linked. He's not even funny.
And he's, you know, a douchebag.
Should blatant douchebaggery be rewarded? I say nay.
Nay, I say.