� Unbelievable: The New York Times Dutifully Reports Anti-Bush Interent Conspiracy Theories |
Blaster Sneaks and Peeks at Kerry's Record �
October 09, 2004
Hispanic Voters: Ole!
Jewish Voters: Oy, Vey
FreeRepublic has posted this article, showing Kerry with a pitiful 9-point lead among Hispanics.
For comparison: In July, Kerry was winning Hispanics 2-1; Gore won Hispanics 62 to 35.
On the other hand, the much-heralded mass Jewish defection from the Democratic Party appears to be have at least a few more years of heralding to go:
It is the dog that did not bark in the night: After flirting with President George W. Bush in the two years following Sept.11, 2001, America's Jews have flooded back to the Democrats by an almost 3-to-1 ratio.
A poll released in late September by the New York-based American Jewish Committee showed 69 percent of the country's estimated 6.1 million Jews preparing to vote for Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic Party presidential nominee, and 24 percent backing Bush.
"Republican claims of making major inroads in the Jewish community
remind me of the boy who cried wolf," said Democratic political
consultant Steve Rabinowitz, head of the Washington-based Rabinowitz Associates. "Once again, it appears there has been no significant movement in Jewish political loyalties as polling day approaches.
Let me talk to Jewish voters in a way they'll understand:
Oh, sure, you Mr. Big-Shot with your college education and your history of voting-for-Democrats. For this I worked my fingers to the bone in the garment industry? It's a shande, a shande I say. My hand to God, I'm happy your Aunt Phyllis died three years ago so she would not have to see the shame of this. It's messugenah. Shemen zikh mit.
So, it is what it is. Don't you go voting for George Bush; don't do me any favors. I'll just roll up over here in the corner and die, God forbid I should open my mouth and be heard. Auf yenems tuchus gehen schmeissen. Go beat on someone else's ass, why don't you.
PS: Wear a sweater. It's getting chilly now and you don't want to catch your death of cold.