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October 01, 2004
Thanks For a Big September
Well, others seem to be crowing about their traffic, so I'll join in.
I really want to thank everyone who's coming to the site, and, of course, those wise, generous souls who've donated. And of course I need to thank all the bloggers who've been nice enough to link my nonsense from time to time.
It's very gratifying, and it really helps keep me sane.
I think Instapundit was dead-on when he said something like "When you're sick of yelling at your television, start a blog." Well, I was sick of yelling at my TV, and I was also sick of arguing with people -- friends, family -- about politics.
The great thing about having a blog which a good number of people read is that I can now pose as one of those sweet-natured apolitical types in my real life. I don't have to argue with actual people anymore; I get it out of my system on my blog.
One of these days, when I'm not so anonymous, I'd like to be in the early stages of an argument with someone and just walk away, telling my would-be opponent, "Eh, you're just completely ass-backwards wrong, as I explain in great detail on my blog."
Son of Nixon (almost out of hiatus!) and I giggle each other up with that joke, but so far, I've not had the chance to use it in real life.
One day. One day soon.
In any event, I had a ridiculous 270,000 daily unique visitors in September, a number that Instapundit laughs at, but I'll take it gladly. 400,000 visits/pageviews in the past month, and I've finally cracked the top fifty by traffic on the Truth Laid Bear's ranking.
Actually, it's a little better than that, since so many blogs are actually double-listed, first under an old address and then under the current one, as mine is. For a few days there, right after the Burkett forgery story broke, I managed top 25 and was even a Playful Primate-- briefly.
Again, thanks for coming, and thanks for the tips and links you send me-- it sure makes this a lot easier to have the combined intelligence of several thousand sharp-eyed readers sifting through the day's hot stories.
And thanks too for all the comments. I really like the liveliness of the comments, the jokes and the substantive arguments alike.
Basically-- thanks.
I can pretty much smell that Paula Zahn appearance.
And soon thereafter, I will be America's most beloved television host, with lots of stunts and "wacky characters" spicing things up.
And then -- dare I dream? -- the crazy blog-money that I'm doing all this for.
Not Quite So Big as Imagined Update! Look, I don't really know what any of these stats mean, but I just want to make it clear that my "daily unique visitors" for the month of September seems to just be a total of each day's daily uniques, all added together -- which means that they're counted multiple times for the entire month.
They're not monthly unique visitors, i.e., unique people who came at least once during the whole month. They're just all the daily visitors, summed up, multiply-counted.
If there's a "monthly unique visitors" count on SiteMeter, I don't see it anywhere. If I had to guess at the number of unique visitors here in September, I'd guess around 60,000, maybe a few more, maybe 80,000. I know I got linked by big blogs who hadn't linked me before -- Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham's web-site; and a couple of big blogs who link me infrequently -- Michelle Malkin, Instapundit, Beldar, Just One Minute, etc. -- but I don't really know for certain. (Allah and ASV link me more frequently, of course.)
Anyway, just wanted to clear that up. Bill from INDC's first number seems to be his actual total count for uniques coming to his site for the whole month, which must be a lot bigger than mine.
Update: Bill now says that the first number he was using was a goofball number he doesn't understand, whereas I was in fact using the commonly-accepted numbers for gauging monthly traffic. So it looks like my numbers were as big as I thought they were, at least as they're most-typically measured.
Bill's first number seems to measure the same thing as mine; he deleted the old one.
He's winning. For now.
Sean Connery Impersonation ON: The game is afoot! Well that washh naughty, sshunsshhine. Pusshy Galore...? I mussht be dreaming.
Sean Connery Impersonation OFF.