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September 15, 2004
CBS's "Principal Source": TANG Pay Records Conclusively Prove Service

Yeahp. I don't put a lot of stock in Mr. Bill Burkett, but I do think he's on to something here:
Alluding to the questions raised by Senators Bob Kerrey and Daniel Inouye at a press conference last Thursday, Burkett said, “In answer to Senator Kerrey's comments, finding the answer to this issue is very simple. The Bush campaign staff can simply provide the pay records and detailed retirement points records for Lieutenant Bush. Until that is done, everything else is purely speculation as to when and where George W. Bush was during his obligation period. A unit technician’s personal notes about duty performance is not official. Handwritten and scribbled notations are also not official. The pay records, however, simply specify without a doubt and officially, when Lt. Bush performed ordered duty and that the US Air Force paid him for it.”
Dan Rather has to address this point, I think.
His principal source for this whole story declared that pay records established service -- "without a doubt," he said in 2000.
And now his story has once again shifted.
Let me repeat that:
Dan Rather's principal source for his AWOL story has previously declared that pay records establish, "without a doubt," whether a man served or not.
Bush has provided his pay records.
Funny, isn't it, that what once established service "without a doubt" is now considered rather flimsy evidence, easily rebutted by the "recollections" of committed partisans as well as "the higher truth" contained in forged documents?