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September 09, 2004
The Smoking Gun
I usually don't crib someone else's work wholesale. I usually link to the post in question, so the creator of the work can at least get the traffic they deserve.
I'm posting the following myself, in violation of my rule, because there's so much traffic that important sites keep going down, and this is too important.
I got these gifs from Digital Branch. I believe he got them from Little Green Footballs.
Anyway, LGF seems to have provided the smoking gun.
Compare. This is the "1972 document" produced by CBSNews:
This is the same text, but typed up by Charles Johnson using Word 97 four hours ago:

These are the two documents overlaid, one over the other:

They have destroyed themselves.
They have destroyed their credibility.
They have empowered their competitors.
And they have removed the Bush AWOL lie from the national debate entirely. This issue cannot be rescued. Once liberal reporters begin pimping forged documents to vindicate partisan charges, the public tunes out. They've immunized Bush against this issue, forever.