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August 23, 2004
"A Web of Connections"
Recently, the New York Times accused Republican-leaning citizens of Practicing Politics in the First Degree when it expressed shock and outrage that, get this, conservatives who don't like John Forbes Kerry were donating money to organizations that don't like John Forbes Kerry.
I had to laugh. Just as I was reading all this outrage, I came across this tasty paragraph:
Out of desperation, the Bush campaign has picked the wrong fight with the wrong veteran," said Jim Jordan, former Kerry campaign manager who now runs an outside group airing ads against Bush. "Today's the start of the mother of all backlashes."
So let me get this straight: Kerry is accusing the Bush campaign of having a "Web of Connections" to the SwiftVets. The head of an anti-Bush group, meanwhile, is a "former Kerry campaign manager."
Ummmm.... okay. Don't hold your breath waiting for a NYT article or editorial about that.
But as my pappy always said, a fact isn't a fact until you put it into pie-graph format. This chart showing the "Web of Connections" between Kerry and "independent" liberal 527's isn't technically a pie chart, but it does look snazzy.
Thanks to Kausfiles for the chart.
Update: There's almost nothing you can afford not to read in this Taranto Best of the Web column.
Update: Connecting John Kerry to his former campaign manager is just too easy. Connecting him to Kevin Bacon, on the other hand, is investigative journalism of the first order.
Thanks to Harlan Pepper for tipping me to that. There's also this.
Dollar Democracy Update: Truth Laid Bear compares and contrasts the SwiftVets' donations -- around $150,000 -- to donations to the liberal 527's --just the listed oned have combined donations of $120 million.