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August 06, 2004
The Secret Martyrdom of Margaret Cho
And I thought it was enough that Margaret Cho was just unfunny and fat. No, it turns out she's also self-important, ungracious, bitchy and borderline delusional as well.
This is "dated intelligence," as they say, but it turns out that the delightful she-cow lowered herself to perform for a corporate crowd and was, as you're probably guessing, "unconstitutionally censored" after ten minutes of her awful act.
I am not exaggerating much when I say that this narcissist describes this rather pedestrian affair in terms of emotional violation more suited for a woman describing a rape to a therapist.
Perspective-- that's what our comics give us. We have to understand that Ms. Cho's problems -- being paid a big pile of cash and being ferried around by limo in order to perform for people she loathes -- are the real problems facing this country, while unemployment, terrorism, and cancer are mere distractions.
Put aside the niggling problems you have in your own life in order to say a little prayer for Ms. Cho. How this courageous woman soldiers on in the face of so much adversity is beyond me.