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August 04, 2004
Four More Years of Hell-ohhh
This creature becomes more infuriating by the moment:
And later, discussing the war in Iraq (news - web sites), Heinz Kerry subtly questioned Republican President Bush (news - web sites)'s intellect, saying: "It's vital for anyone with intelligence to acknowledge mistakes and change positions -- hello."
Yes, that would seem to be the extraodinarily-annoying late-nineties use of the world "hell-ohhhhh!" to mean "Note the irony and/or obvious goofiness here."
Only an idle-rich billionaire heiress could be so insulated from criticism that she wouldn't have heard that "hell-ohhhhh!" became egregiously annoying six minutes after it was first said.
In related news, Terezzzzza Heinz Kerry has just announced that her pet issues as first lady will be discouraging drug use among teens and encouraging young women to attend college. Her anti-drug slogan will be "Drugs: Don't Go There" and her pro-female-college-attendance slogan will be "Higher Education: You go, girl."
She's also considering a campaign to encourage the use of "Anger Management Puppets" to help people better express their feelings in a useful and non-violent manner. She will, yes, be advising all of America to "Talk to the Hand."
A very annoyed hat-tip to Just One Minute.
I swear, if any of you guys aren't registered for this election, and if you don't already know where your nearest polling-place is, you are silent collaborators in this vile woman's evolution into an American Evita. Hell-ohhhh!
Register. Now.