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August 04, 2004
Running Down Some Blogs
Ambient Irony has an excellent article on Europe's childishly insecure America-hating as well as a a link to a Chomsky-debunking book.
I've got my own Chomsky-debunking book. It's written by Vincent "Vinny" Gambino, and it's called Everything That Guy Just Said Is Bullshit. It's two pages long.
Balloon-Juice catches Filet-O-Fish dishonestly making a charge while conveniently "forgetting" to report the facts that disprove it entirely.
Son of Nixon mentioned this to me the other day, ironically enough: Kerry has a Nixonian "secret plan" to get us out of Saigon, err, Baghdad, by the end of his term.
The Belmont Club has a good post on a point I've tried to make before: that one of the most effective weapons in the terrorists' arsenal is the impulse of liberals to refuse to accept the intrusion of ugly reality into their let-a-smile-be-your-missile-shield fantasy world.
Between the Coasts has a link to the audio of Terezzzzza's broken-English "Dey wan' fourh mohre yeahs of helll." For the love of everything holy, she sounds like the rich-bitch cartoon heavy at the end of every Scooby Doo mystery.
I gotta tell ya: I don't like this woman.
As Josh Marshall would say: I will speak in greater detail about this when I deem it appropriate to do so.
Jeff Goldstein angers me greatly by poaching in my blog-forest. Slapping up Filet-O-Fish now, Jeff? How dare you, you dirty bastard.
Hat-tip on that one to Bill from INDC, wherever "INDC" is. Seriously: what the hell is that?
Florida Cracker reports that, believe it or not, the Kerry campaign is trying to muzzle the "charming, candid, and refreshing" Terezzzzza.
I guess she's just a little too charming, candid, and refreshing for the podunk hillbillies that make up the American voting public. We don't get her witty, European-flavored sense of humor; "dey wanh fourhh morehh yeahs of hellll," while an extraordinary pun on the word "wanh," just flies over our neanderthal-heads.
I'm a little tired of hearing her called "candid." She's "candid" because she's an idle-rich billionaire heiress who has never had any obligations to the public (such as actively running a company) which would require her to show a modicum of useful human tact.
How many idle-rich billionaire heiresses aren't "candid"? It's not so much candor as an insufferable bitchiness borne of plutocratic arrogance.
But I guess the New York Times and other liberal 527 organizations prefer the brevity of "candid."
Trust me-- if any of you had a billion dollars and no more pressing responsibility than your weekly botox injections and lowering yourself to talk with your new-money trust-fund lawyers, you'd find yourself becoming more "candid" each day as well.
I'm also sick of hearing that she can speak four or five languages. Well, maybe. But based on her English, I'm guessing she speaks none of them well.
Did I happen to mention I don't like this woman?
And I thought Arianna Huffington was annoying.