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Same Shit, Different Cowbell »
August 02, 2004
An F-16 Slices Like an F'n' Hammer in Fallujah
CONTENT WARNING: Bomb-sight camera footage. Too distant a shot to be gory, but it does depict the extirpation of a group of alleged human beings.
A reader (name withheld) tips me to this video of the Marines calling in an airstrike on a group of "famous Baghdad wedding singers" "choreographing their dance-steps" in the middle of the road.
The bomb impacts just as they're hitting the second verse of Lionel Ritchie's Say You, Say Me. If you turn up your speakers really high, you can just manage to hear the famous Baghdad wedding singers croon, I had a dream, I had an awesome drea--
Update: ScottB says he posted a link to this two weeks ago.
My first impulse was to make him weep for his impudence. I began planning a series of steps to terrorize him-- ruining his credit rating, filling his house with carnivorous Amazonian cockroaches, leaving bloody, mutilated dolls on his doorstep, murdering each of his pets one by one, etc.
But that's sooooooo mid-nineties "The _____ from Hell" thriller-pic. Sorta passe at this point, isn't it?
Instead, I'll just say sorry, I never saw that item, and give him an apology link. I'll also mention he said this about Kerry's planned 55 minute speech:
Kerry does not help himself when he speaks. It should be short and done. I will watch, but dang it is going to be painful.
Just doing this should save me some time. The one problem with running a daily blog is that it leaves virtually no time at all for creepy stalking behavior.
Update: Live Link! Apparently the original link died. This link seems to still be working.
Thanks to James at Curbside Prophet.