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June 17, 2004
Your Mom's a Ho(mophobe)
Well, that didn't take too long. Sullivan, caught out lying his ass off, decides that now's the time to go through the comments at Lucianne.com and cry "homophobes!"
I'm sure it's just a coincidince that Lucianne Goldberg is Jonah Goldberg's mother.
Some of the posts are homophobic (but what the hell does that have to do with Lucianne?), but a few aren't.
Where's the homphobia here?:
Yeah, I used to read Sullivan's blog on a daily basis, until, I don't know, maybe mid-winter last year. He was going wobbly on just about everything, so I removed him from my bookmarks, and haven't thought about it since--simply don't miss his commentary. I suspect his webstats show a major falloff in readership.
Is "wobbly" some new anti-gay slur I don't know about?
If so-- why wasn't I informed immediately?
And this is cute:
I don't say good-bye, I say good riddance. Kudos to Kathryn Lopez for outing the traitor early on.
Ah, I see. He says "outed." That must be some sort of extraodinarily-subtle anti-gay dig.
If No One's Going to Pat My Back, Looks Like I'll Just Have to Do It My Damn Self Update: Didn't someone predict that Sullivan would show initial restraint and then proceed to emotional, nasty, and personal counterattacks?
I can't predict the economy. I can't predict the war. I can't predict whether some post I write will get linked.
But I do have a weird super-power:
I can predict Andrew Sullivan.
There's gotta be some way I can, err, "monetarize" this oddball skill o' mine.