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June 12, 2004
Profile of Christopher Walken

I always wondered why I never heard about Walken dating. Turns out he's been married for 36 years.
And then there's this:
Finally, he's "conservative" in his life.
"I believe in saving money. I believe in having a house. I believe in keeping things clean. I believe in exercising," he says. "Slow and steady is a very good thing for me. It works for me."
Chris Walken? Actor... Dancer... Republican?
It couldn't be. Could it?
One thing's for sure. When we hear about those big Dem fundraisers, we never hear about Chris Walken.
The Dog That Didn't Bark Update: The FEC shows no political donations from a Christopher Walken or Chris Walken.
Of course, all the liberal actors are like virulent rashes on the system. Liberals actors are still donating to Dennis Kucinich, for crying out loud.
So the fact that the man who played superstar record producer Bruce Dickenson isn't in the system is... interesting. Tom Selleck and Bruce Willis also show no donations.
"Christopher Walken" isn't his original name; he was born Ronald Walken. But no actor or self-employed person named Ronald Walken living in California shows up in the system, either.
It's not proof. But it is interesting.
Update: No listing for his wife, either, under either her married or unmarried names.
Okay, that's enough of my Internet Detective-work. This is beginning to feel intrusive.