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May 27, 2004
Michael Moore Interviewed Nick Berg for "Fahrenheit 9-11"
Interview Believed to Have Taken Place Before, During, or After Abu Ghraib Abuses
In the left-wing Salon magazine; requires you view a stupid ad.
But the hell with giving Salon traffic and ad revenue. Here's a fair-use excerpt of all the important stuff:
May 27, 2004 | Filmmaker Michael Moore filmed an interview with American Nicholas Berg in the course of producing his documentary film "Fahrenheit 9/11" before Berg left for Iraq, where he was taken hostage and killed, Moore confirmed to Salon in a statement Thursday. The 20 minutes of footage does not appear in the final version of "Fahrenheit 911," according to the statement.
Word of the footage reached Salon through a source unaffiliated with Moore or his film "Fahrenheit 9/11"...
In a statement released to Salon, Moore said, "We have an interview with Nick Berg. It was approximately 20 minutes long. We are not releasing it to the media. It is not in the film. We are dealing privately with the family." Moore's camp declined to comment further on any aspect of the interview. Because the footage is not in the film, a spokeswoman for Miramax Films, the production company behind "Fahrenheit 9/11," said the company had no comment.
First of all: subpoena the interview. This is a murder investigation, after all.
Second of all: I don't know what this means. Just because he was interviewed by the left-wing traitor Moore doesn't mean he was one himself; Moore interviews conservatives, too, in order to edit them into jackasses.
But the CIA theory would seem to be out the window.
Speculation: Sorry, Ilyka, I know you find this speculation about a murdered man distasteful, but I think we're moving past the point at which taste governs the inquiry.
I'd like to know who contacted who, here. My suspicion is that Berg contacted Moore, because I'm not sure anyone even heard of Berg before his death. If Moore managed to track him down because he learned of the FBI inquiry, he's a somewhat better Internet Detective than I gave him credit for.
If, on the other hand, Berg contacted Moore, I'd like to know for what purpose. The story has been that Berg was a big-time supporter of the War in Iraq. If it turns out he wasn't, well then, what we have here is a lie, and while some lies are innocent, most are not.
Nick Kronos makes the important point, which I overlooked, that the article doesn't say it's an interview with Michael Moore; it could just be an "interview" with his dad, which the dad then sent to Moore.
Who knows.
It does get curiouser and curiouser.