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May 27, 2004
Abu Ghraib Blowback: Citing Fear of Human Pyramids, "Humiliated" Sadrist Forces Withdraw from Najaf at 4:00pm
Ahem. Sounds like our incompetent army and reckless leadership sort of know what the hell they're doing:
NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - Militiamen loyal to rebel cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said their leaders had told them to withdraw from the Iraqi holy city of Najaf by midday (4 a.m. EDT) on Thursday following a truce offer from Sadr.
"It was a written and a verbal order," said Ali Abu Zahra, commander of one of the Mehdi Army units that has been battling U.S. forces in Najaf.
Earlier on Thursday, Iraq (news - web sites)'s national security adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie, quoting a statement signed by Sadr, said the cleric was willing to pull members of his Mehdi Army who are not from Najaf out of the holy city, and had demanded in return that a murder case for which he is wanted be suspended.
Don't read too much into that "demand." I don't hear anyone agreeing with it.
So, sounds like al-Sadr's suing for peace. Sounds like we've defeated him in detail (a term I learned from Steven den Beste), both militarily and politically, the latter accomplished by finally getting the Shi'a clerics to publicly denounce him.
How will the media play this victory?
I think I know: