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Rumors of a US Defeat Have Been Greatly Exaggerated »
May 23, 2004
Skokie on the Hudson
Rabid Jew- and America- Haters Stink Up the Ace of Spades HQ Blog
You probably don't want to read the crap these douchebags have posted in the comments. It's pretty vile.
Where the fuck do these people come from?
Incidently, "nameless," I'm not a Jew (I'll drop the "we" schtick for a moment). I'm a non-practicing Episcopalean/Roman Catholic guy who can tell Jesus from John the Baptist but that's about it.
Jewish blood? Not a drop. I'd pass the Nuremberg Racial Purity tests you're such fans of.
So. Ace of Spades: Not a Jew.
I'm just a fan of their work.
Big fucking fan.
Every time they blow up some of those death-cult Palestinian cowards/cunts... oooooh. Goosebumps.
A friend of mine once said, in jest, "Geeze, I'd like to be anti-semitic and all, but I wouldn't want to associate with the sort of people giving anti-semitism a bad name."
Truth be told, I'm not especially a fan of Israel. They're a bunch of socialist douchebags. They're basically a bunch of Torah-toting Europeans... except that they're pretty realistic about the vile monsters of the world, such as yourselves, and the proper way to deal with such vile, useless monsters.
But between a bunch of socialist douchebags and the likes of gay-panic murderers like you... give me the socialist douchebags, every day of the week.