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May 21, 2004
State Employment Numbers Strengthening
Our undercover government source "Deep Stoat" sends along glad tidings:
* Over the past year, the unemployment rate has fallen in 47 states.
* Non-farm payroll employment increased in 45 states in April.
* Over the past year, employment has increased in 44 states.
The latest state-by-state data are consistent with recent job growth nationwide. In the past 8 months, over 1.1 million new payroll jobs have been created. Over 800,000 new jobs have been created in 2004 alone. If the current pace of job growth for 2004 continues, over 2.6 million jobs will be created this year. In addition, the current unemployment rate is 5.6 percent, well below its recent peak of 6.3 percent and below the average unemployment rates of the 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s.
Below the average unemployment rates of the 1990's!?!? Under Clinton, you mean? We're shocked, shocked that the media hasn't brought this fact to our attention previously.
Get yer "full release" here.
Modest cowbell action for what is actually not new news, but information presented in a clearer format:

Big Cowbell VCR/TiVo Alert: Incite sends us word that this weekend's Saturday Night Live is "The Best of Christopher Walken." If you haven't actually seen the Cowbell sketch, now's your opportunity. We just can't imagine that the Cowbell sketch won't be included, since it's included in other best-of shows, like the Best of Will Ferrell.
Battleground States Employment Update! Employment has risen in 11 of the 17 (but only 11 of the 17) key battleground states.
Here's the good news:
The states which saw the greatest decrease in unemployment are quite winnable: Michigan (we already noted that), Minnesota (trending Republcian for years), and Wisconsin (a squeaker last time).
Here's the bad news:
In four states, unemployment actually increased. Arizona, Arkansas, Washington, and Ohio, which saw its unemployment tick up from 5.7% to 5.8%.
Check out Minnesota. Pick-up?:
Minnesota's unemployment rate fell to 4.1 percent in April from 4.8 percent in March. The national rate is 5.6 percent.
4.1%?!?! How can the residents of a state with such a low unemployment figure not vote to re-elect the President?
These are month-to-month numbers. Unemployment may rise in one month over the level in a previous month; that doesn't disprove a long-term general downward trend. Ohio's number went up .1%, and that's not good, but that 5.8% figure is still down from recent highs.
Overall: Good news, with the promise of getting better.