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May 11, 2004
Joe Schmoe Will Return
...this time along with a female dupe:
In a parody of reality-romance programs, the two new marks believe they are on a program called Last Chance for Love. What they don't know is that they have actually been cast and Joe and Jane Schmo and they are the only real people on program filled with actors and actresses. Familiar parody-elements return including ridiculous competitions and over-dramatized eviction ceremonies. Also present is host Ralph Garman, returning in disguise as Derek Newcastle, the "pompous but randy British host."
The original Joe Schmoe was a cult classic. We're still giggling over the ludicrous eviction ceremony catch-phrase/cult-chant, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, you're dead to us."
If you were a fan of the show, your first thought is probably, "Great! I can't wait!" and your second thought is probably, "Hey, the first show was a big put-on; how can they do a sequel when the word is already out there that the original was a sham?"
Well, you know, only 3.2 million people watched the final episode of the first Joe, and, come on, only another 20-30 million people beyond that are even aware there even was a fake reality-tv show called Joe Schome. That leaves about 50 million potential dupes, aged 21-35, out there.