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July 31, 2024

Holy Crap: You Can Clearly See Matthew Crooks Running Across the Infamous "Sloped Roof" to Get Into Position to Kill Trump -- and the Secret Service Just Watched and Let It Happen

We can see him -- but apparently our Straight-Shooter Heroes of the Secret Service couldn't.

Keep in mind that Democratic hack -- not some kind of law enforcement professional or Secret Service lifer -- Ronald Rowe Jr. is the man responsible for denying adequate protection to Trump, and he's now "investigating" himself.

Gee I wonder if he'll clear himself of any wrongdoing?

Mike Lee wants to know why the Secret Service let Trump take the stage knowing full well there was a man armed with a rifle sneaking around on the Sloped Roof.

And he's willing to openly state that they're lying -- and to openly question their motives in all of this.

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah questioned during a press conference on Tuesday why the Secret Service allowed former President Donald Trump to take the stage on July 13 when they knew of a potential threat over an hour prior.


During the press conference after the hearing, Lee said that the Secret Service lied repeatedly about the events that day and questioned their motives in doing so.

"Why on earth did they ever let Donald Trump take the stage?" Lee asked during the press conference.

"It's not as though the Secret Service has comported itself in a manner that calls out to us, to defer to them, to have confidence in them," Lee said during the press conference. "Nobody wants to believe the worst, to suspect the worst about what happens within government. But when they lied to us repeatedly, then when they refused to answer the most basic questions, when they almost willfully declined to take any of the most basic precautions in order to protect the former president."


"These are and should be obvious and easy, basic questions for the Secret Service to answer, and they have had no fewer than 17 days since the attack to answer these questions," Lee said during the press conference. "These are questions that they should have started asking and probably should have been able to answer within 24 hours."

"What I heard, what my colleagues heard, what you heard if you were watching was we're looking into it," Lee said during the press conference. "I'm sorry, that doesn't cut it.

He's all but accusing Rowe of willing this assassination to happen:

"Remember, King David didn't personally kill Uriah the Hittite," Lee said during the press conference. "But he let them go out into a battlefield where he knew there was an imminent risk of grave bodily injury. And he made sure he didn't have adequate protection. We got to get to the bottom of these questions to make sure that Donald Trump was not intended to be a Uriah the Hittite."

He's not the only one questioning if the Secret Service's "failure" here was part of a

David Strom:

I have really bent over backward to give the Secret Service more than reasonable slack to explain how they could fail so catastrophically in their duty to protect once and future president Donald Trump.

I really have, and am still pretty certain that nobody in the government was involved in the specific attempt on the life of Trump in Pennsylvania. It doesn't bear thinking of, so I am not going to unless there is extraordinary evidence to prove it. It seems beyond belief that Secret Service agents around Trump, who have been with him a long time, would participate in something so evil. And Trump is confident that his agents didn't.

But I am well past the point where I have to conclude that the Secret Service was set up to fail in protecting Donald Trump and that it was a goal of the Biden Administration to have him put in danger and possibly killed.

It actually pains me to say that because, while I think that the Establishment has been getting increasingly scummy and have malicious plans for Americans, I thought there were limits beyond which they would not go. This is the United States of America, and we should still be able to assume that our leaders are not outright evil, or at least that they would recoil from anything this evil.

I no longer believe that, and serious Members of Congress--not the fringy ones you might expect to go there--are voicing the same concern.

Yesterday I wrote about my belief that Alejandro Mayorkas--the Secretary of Homeland Security and ultimate boss of the Secret Service--consciously chose to weaken security around Donald Trump. It seems to me to be the only explanation for the extraordinary number of failures that led to the shooting that took the life of a great American, seriously wounded others and got Donald Trump shot in the head.


Not a single person involved with the failure has been fired or suspended. Not one. It would be "unfair persecution" to even suspend anyone at this point.

Come on.

Now, Alejandro Mayorkas has replaced Director Cheatle with the man whose job was to oversee the protective details, which failed.

Let that sink in. The man who should be one of the investigated is RUNNING the investigation.

Everybody knows there is a coverup because, well, they are covering everything up.


Sean Davis at the Federalist has been beating the drum on this for a long time, and I have been reluctant to follow because it seems so implausible to me that the corruption at the top would go this far. But he has a point:

What WOULD they have done differently, other than just not show up at all? They LEFT THE OBVIOUS PLACE FOR A SHOOTER TO PERCH HIMSELF UNGUARDED, were warned that an armed gunman was on the roof, and did nothing until there was blood on the ground.


Former Seal Team member and current Congressman Ryan Zinke asks the obvious question: was this incompetence willful and knowing? The latter, now, seems more plausible.


Director Rowe must go. He is exactly the wrong person to be in charge of this investigation since he should be one of the people investigated. Don't be fooled by his empty mea culpas. Admitting that there was a failure is the easiest thing to do because it is incontrovertible. He is engaged in a coverup of something, and we need answers from somebody not involved.

Here's Representative Zinke, saying that an assassination attempt is one thing, but we may be looking at an "assassination plot:"

I can't buy the Strong Form of this idea -- that they intended Trump to be killed. That's a big idea for a group of people to commit to.

But I can believe the Weak Form of the idea: They deliberately stripped Trump of Secret Service protection, because the Deep State was angry that they told Trump he wasn't allowed to run for president, and he defied their commands, so they did what the left now does constantly: They deplatformed him.

Giving him Secret Service protection would be "platforming" the Bad Orange Man, and good liberals and progressives don't "platform" all them millions of New Hitlers they're constantly waging war with. They take away their ability to speak publicly.

As AOC proudly crowed after Fox fired Tucker Carlson, largely due to the left's demands that advertisers boycott him: "Deplatforming works."

So they tried to deplatform Trump by exposing him to danger, hoping he'd get the hint and desist in his defiance of the Deep State, but he went out to speak anyway.

And the inevitable happened.

I don't think they exactly intended it to happen this way.

But I think they brought an Ivan Drago attitude to it: If he dies, then he dies.

I believe Drago also mentioned that Apollo Creed shouldn't even have been in the ring.

And that's what the Deep State believes: We ordered Trump out of the presidential ring, he refused, so we deplatformed him.

And if he dies, he dies.

People need to go to prison. If they don't, then this will be resolved the other way unresolveable conflicts are typically resolved.

What do you think? Am I giving them too much credit?

Update: A friend says he's starting to believe in a "soft conspiracy" here. Which I take to mean a conspiracy that wasn't fully agreed to, formally, but was the product of a dozen decisions that basically amounted to "Fuck Trump, we told him he was not allowed to run, so if he runs, he gets what he gets."

Maybe no one actually formed the intent that he should die -- but there was a lot of "he gets what he gets" type thinking.

165 "he gets what he gets" was even MORE obvious in the regime's hateful, vindictive decision to deny protection to RFK, Jr.

Posted by: mnw

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:24 PM

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