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June 19, 2024

Trump Opens Up an Eighteen Point Lead in Iowa, a State Obama Won

Happy Nineteenth of June. I have proclaimed today a special holiday, which I call "Humpteenth."

Iowa wasn't and isn't a blue state, but Obama did win it. Twice. Even in 2012, after everyone understood that he was an incompetent empty-suit DEI hire.

So it was gettable.

Iowa is no longer gettable for Democrats.

Former President Trump holds an 18-point lead over President Biden in Iowa, according to a new poll in a one-time crucial general election battleground state that's shifted to the right over the past decade.

Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, stands at 50% with Biden at 32% among likely voters in a Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll released on Monday.

Democrat turned independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who says he's qualified to make Iowa's ballot, grabbed 9% support, with Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver at 3%, and 3% backing other candidates, according to the survey.

Iowa was a one-time swing state, which former President Barack Obama carried in the 2008 and 2012 elections. But Trump won the state by 9 points over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016 in his White House victory and by 8 points over Biden four years ago in his re-election defeat.

I mentioned last week that Kathleen Parker (who?) had proposed swapping out liability Kamala Harris for Super-Popular Hillary Clinton. She suggested this because people know Biden is cognitively impaired and getting worse every day, and would feel "reassured" if a charismatic, ethical super-genius with a long, long list of real accomplishments were appointed to succeed Biden when he dies in the next couple of years.

But they didn't have anyone like that, so Kathleen Parker suggested Hillary Clinton instead.

The left is pretending that this is all a Cheap Fake by Fox News.

Nope, it's a scheme by a real card-carrying batty Karen Liberal as published in the ultra-woke Washington Post.

Nice try, though, ignorant, incompetent leftwing hack.

Beege Wellborne points out that this proves that not even woke leftist sub-cretins obsessed with bringing children to Drag Queen Story Hour and minting new pronouns every day -- the Washington Post's target audience -- don't read the Washinton Post, either.

We came, we saw, I took his muumuus.

Maybe this bloated alcoholic crone isn't in the best health, either.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:11 PM

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