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June 10, 2024

The Morning Report — 6//10/24


Good Morning Kids. So of course the big story is not that the IDF somehow pulled off a daring rescue operation wherein they freed four Israeli hostages who had been held captive by Hamas savages for nearly 8 months but that in doing so, innocent civilians were killed. Forget for a moment the not immaterial salient facts of how it was they came to be hostages in the first place. Or that they were being held in the home of an Al Jazeera "journalist." It's not that "Palestinian" terrorists are hiding behind and amongst the so-called cvilian populace, it's that the latter and the former are fully integrated into one another ideologically, politically, culturally and via direct familial ties. Their lives are bound up and defined by Islam, that is the subsuming of the entire world under total Islamic domination, in which unbelievers especially Jews are annihilated. Islam does not believe in nation states as we understand them. Insofar as this push to displace Israel with Palestine is concerned, it is only seen as a useful political tool to help them advance the ultimate goal of Islamic world conquest.

As for the remaining hostages, one wonders if indeed they are still alive, and if so after all these months at the hands of these barbaric savages praying for death, if they cannot be rescued. And speaking of barbarism, I don't even want to ponder the messages being sent by the SPonge-Brain Shits-Pants' junta to the Israeli government in order to dissuade them from carrying out similar operations as well as the necessary continued military ops to wipe out whatever is left of Hamas in Rafah and elsewhere in Gaza. All because they fear getting wiped out in Michigan and perhaps Minnesota this November, along with pissing off their hardcore Marxist voting base that sees Israel and the peoples of the book (Jews and Christians) as their nemesis here in America, a land and society they have been brainwashed into despising for at least three generations.

Meanwhile, perhaps there are winds of change blowing in the old world, which I have given up all hope on vis a vis the spreading of the Islamic cancer that will likely snuff out western civilization completely within our lifetimes. Considering my diagnosis of brain cancer, maybe I ought not have written that.

France and Belgium have sent shock waves in the latest round of European parliamentary elections by sweeping in conservatives. The combination of unfettered migration as well as the insanity of the climate change hoax mongers have pissed off more and more average people over the past few years. The situation though, will remain in doubt. But we cannot know the future. See the Foreign Affairs section for several links on this topic.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:02 AM

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