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June 06, 2024

Biden Honors the Dead of Normandy By Dropping a Bomb In His Pants, Then Walks Away Leaving French President Macron to Welcome American Veterans All By Himself

A moving tribute. Bowel-moving, am i rite?

During a solemn ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France Thursday, President Joe Biden appeared to nearly collapse into a non-existent chair.

Key Details:

The 80th anniversary of D-Day saw numerous world leaders and veterans gather at the Normandy American Cemetery to honor the sacrifices of Allied forces during World War II. The event featured speeches, wreath-laying ceremonies, and tributes to the fallen soldiers​.

President Biden, while attending the ceremony, was seen visibly struggling as if to sit in a chair that wasn't there. This incident happened while French President Macron was meeting with veterans, drawing attention away from the solemn occasion.

The D-Day landings on June 6, 1944, marked a critical turning point in World War II. The 80th anniversary was a moment for reflection and commemoration of the courage and sacrifice of the Allied forces.

Sitting in a chair more like shitting in the air, amirite?

Below, you see him honoring the dead by firing off a Mud Gun Salute into his PresiDepends (TM). In the second video, you see him blowing off the veterans he cares so much about.

The second video shows Macron being forced to welcome American veterans himself, because Jill walks Biden back to a private area to clean the presidential diapers.

According to the Jake Tapper Rule, Biden hasn't admitted he shit himself, therefore it is Russian Disinformation offered Without Evidence which Corrodes Our Discourse to look at the video with our own eyes and draw our own conclusions.

Conservatives are not allowed to examine evidence and draw conclusions from it and make informed speculations; we are required to take the claims of the left as authoritative and "factual," always, no exceptions.

Leftists, on the other hand, are allowed to really explore the studio space and ignore evidence and facts to present their Alternative Perspectives on Reality. They are allowed to continue to peddle the proven lie that Gentle Giant Michael Brown was shot to death for Doin' Nuffin' and had his hands up in a Hands Up Don't Shoot posture when he was ruthlessly executed by a White Supremacist.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:00 PM

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