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May 21, 2024

Biden's Speech to Morehouse College: America Is a Racist Shithole and the American Dream Is a Vicious Lie

He claimed that white supremacist cops were hunting and killing black men who Didn't Do Nuffin.

President Biden's commencement speech at Morehouse College on Sunday sparked backlash with critics describing one part of the president's speech as "disgusting" race baiting.

He cannot run on his record, so he's going to run, as Democrats almost always do, on hatred and race-baiting and division.

The president spoke at the HBCU's graduation ceremony on Sunday despite the threat of interrupting anti-Israel protesters. During his speech, he talked about George Floyd and how Black Americans face racism in the country.

"You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a reckoning on race. It's natural to wonder if the 'democracy' you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? That Black men are being killed in the street," Biden said.

He continued, "What is democracy? The trail of broken promises still leaves Black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all, what does it mean? As you've heard before, to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure."

"They don't see you in the future of America. But they're wrong," he added.

Seems like the bitter old Confederate Joe Biden is the one who doesn't see black people in the future of America. He's stirring up racial separatist feelings.

The crowd applauded at his comment.

Social media users later called out Biden for appearing to frame the United States as racist and demeaning Black students.

"Imagine working hard for years to graduate from college and Joe Biden shows up on your day of celebration to remind you that you're a victim and America doesn't love you because you're black," Wrong Speak Publishing founder Adam Coleman wrote.

"This sums him up," New York Post reporter Miranda Devine wrote.

RedState columnist Buzz Patterson said, "Biggest racist on the planet. Argue with me."

Students for Life president Kristan Hawkins wrote, "This race baiting is disgusting."


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton wrote, "BLM-style race hustler that promotes anti-American racial division, discrimination and segregation lectures on racism."

Some noted that Biden himself is an old-school Dixiecrat racist.

Joe Biden is right. Black people are treated as negatively different, inferior and undeserving of being seen as equals.

The culprit of such behavior: Joe Biden himself.

He's incapable of speaking to black people without reminding us of past plights, or ones that we're all supposedly dealing with today, as an emotional ploy to leverage our votes.eaker. AP

Worse, even in the face of success and celebratory triumph, like graduating from college, Joe Biden is unable to let us have our moment to reflect on what we were capable of doing.

Instead, he patronizes, telling us what he believes we won't be able to achieve.

On Sunday at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Joe Biden gave a campaign speech that was masquerading as a commencement address.

It was littered with identity politics, black trauma narratives, and an emphasis on how our existence is determined by how much struggle we must endure.


I don't throw statements like this around often because I take them very seriously: Joe Biden is a racist.

Matter of fact, he's the worst type of racist because he pretends to be your friend while pulling you back every time you attempt to move forward.

He's the friend who only calls you when he wants something and is never there for you when you're in need.

Joe Biden only showed up at Morehouse and other meetings featuring black people recently because his polling numbers among black Americans are decreasing and he needs us again to stay in power.

But every time he shows up and speaks to us, he can't help himself. He's the black cloud ready to rain on our parade, or in this case, our graduation.

Biden claimed he has loads of "Morehouse men" working at the White House, and then added "I'm not joking."

I'd like to see the f*cking list.

There were protests against "Genocide Joe," despite the school threatening expulsion for any students who protested His Degeneracy.

This is going around social media: This shows Joe Biden both on his "Talking Pills" and off them.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:32 PM

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