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February 28, 2024
Decrepit, Corrupt Corporatist and Enforcer of the Deep State Mitch McConnell Will Finally Step Down From Senate Leadership... In November
Update: He Claims He "Plans" to Serve Out His Term Until 2027
The retirement of a Chinese agent.
Seung Min Kim
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mitch McConnell will step down as the Senate's Republican leader in November, ending a record run in the powerful post.
This means McConnell will also leave the Senate. This controlling cocksucker narcissist will not serve as merely "1 of 100." He will ragequit like Kevin McCarthy did.
He is too exalted a being to serve in any capacity except king.
Before you celebrate, note that McConnell's term is incomplete. And the governor of Kentucky is a liberal Democrat, Andy Bashear.
Bashear will appoint a Democrat to fill the seat until a special election is held, and he will have every incentive to delay this special election as long as the law permits. (I don't know how long -- maybe three months or six months at most, I'd guess.)
Now, Kentucky's legislature passed a law, anticipating that Mitch the Bitch might die or quit, that says that the governor can only choose a replacement from a list of nominees the legislature selects. And the Republican legislature will of course nominate a list of Republicans.
However, Bashear says that law violates the state constitution, which gives the governor this power and does not mention a role for the legislature. Generally, a mere law cannot deviate from or change a constitution. The constitution sits on a higher plane and can only be modified by amendment.
I don't want it to be true, but I think Bashear i right here.
So... Mitch McConnell is going to do exactly what I feared he would do when he insisted on running again despite his advanced age (and massive unpopularity) and give this seat to the Democrats.
These old powerhungry monsters just will not think of anything except their own desperate need to control. It is control that sustains them, like blood sustains an ancient vampire.
And they will not give up control until they have one foot in the grave, or more.
Update: lost in space tells me that McConnell claims he'll still serve the last two years of his term:
Brietbart is reporting "McConnell said he plans to serve out his Senate term, which ends in January 2027, 'albeit from a different seat in the chamber.'"
We'll see. Obama "planned" to not do that thing in your (male) mouth.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:42 PM
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