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February 01, 2024

The Morning Report — 2/1/24


Good morning, kids. February already? Time flies when you're having Armageddon. As is almost always the case these days, with the erased border along with Israel and Iran the top stories, there are a number of others of similar import that I shall endeavor to get to, lest they get lost in the sauce.

But the intentional flooding of America by millions of unvetted foreigners is what we'll lead with. The House has advanced two articles of impeachment against DHS apparatchik Alejandro Mayorkas. Is it a useless gesture or a necessary political move? "Relax, kids. It's both!"

“Political and policy disagreements aren’t impeachable offenses,” former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. The Journal‘s own editorial board used that same line in its own subheader opposing impeachment, arguing that, “a policy dispute doesn’t qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor.”

STOP THE PRESSES – For those who are either too young or like Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants too demented to remember, Michael Chertoff was the Homeland Security director under George W. Bush, a Republican whose proclamation in the wake of 9/11 that Islam was a religion of peace and that we were not at war with it led to a flood of legal immigration from Muslim lands. It also gave us another out of control, inept bureaucracy, the TSA (now working on even more insidious ways to spy on us) as well as the ramping up of the Patriot Act used, not to protect us from the Islamic jihadists that Bush allowed in, but against anyone that was a threat to the globalist, Democrat-RINO agenda. People like Trump, and you and me. And how did that work out for us?

The Wall Street Journal. A Soviet-esque ass-wiper that irritates the perineum and lies worse than Pravda, which once ran the five word editorial "Thou shalt have open borders." Illegally and catastrophically refusing to carry out the mission of protecting our first and most critical line of defense, the border, is merely "a policy dispute?" Someone needs to vaporize 22 Cortlandt Street (its address at least when I once briefly worked there) with a neutron bomb, so at least Century 21 next door can remain standing.

Back to the action:

The same Democrats protesting that impeaching Mayorkas is an abuse of power were responsible for sending Peter Navarro, a former Trump official, to prison for refusing to testify before their partisan committee. That was and is an extraordinary abuse of power. Mayorkas, unlike Navarro, is a sitting government official. Impeachment, as Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers, involves those “offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.”

Impeachable offenses “relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself,” he wrote. It’s hard to think of a better example than allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade the country, and doing everything possible to wilfully impede the efforts of states trying to slow that invasion. As the internet meme goes, Homeland Security had one job. Is our homeland secure? . . .

. . . Nearly 7 million illegal alien invaders have shown up on Mayorkas’ and Biden’s watch. They include tens of thousands of gang members and criminals, hundreds of terrorists and enough fentanyl to kill every American ten times over… and those are just the ones that we caught. Is 7 million illegal invaders a policy dispute or a war? Biden, Mayorkas and other officials claim that they’re helpless to act and that they’re doing the best that they can, and that House Republicans can fix the problem with a “border deal.”

All of that is a lie. . .

. . . The impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas is not a matter of personal misconduct. There is no evidence that he is stealing, conducting an affair, taking or soliciting bribes or corrupting the government for his own personal agendas. His only actual crime is following orders. And that’s the only argument against impeaching Mayorkas. He’s not acting on his own.

Enabling the mass invasion of the United States is not the action of one man, but of an administration, which has used every federal agency at its disposal, including the EPA, to enable that invasion, which has dispensed a fortune to the invaders to encourage them to invade, and another fortune to the refugee resettlers to make sure that they never leave. And it’s not just the policy of one man or one administration, but of a party that has spent decades conniving, scheming and maneuvering, since the Kennedy administration, to fundamentally transform immigration law in order to shift the national demographics and the political culture through laws, UN treaties, economic incentives and the neglect of existing laws. . .

. . . If a political official willfully refusing to do his duty leading to an invasion of millions and the deaths of over a hundred people doesn’t justify impeachment, what possibly does?

Daniel Greenfield's essay is an accurate, methodical, point by point indictment of Mayorkas and indeed the entire system and flagrantly malfeasant bureaucracies that are acting with malice aforethought to literally destroy this country from within, as absolutely and thoroughly in its net result as any invading army or even ICBM attack could accomplish.

In a way, what's going on is worse because at least we theoretically would have pockets of individuals who shared a common history, heritage, language and national identity. What is happening now will ultimately destroy it. The moral equivalent of a neutron bomb, except while people remain standing, their collective memory is wiped clean via being subsumed in an ocean of foreign, alien and hostile cultures.

And considering the vast influx of not just an army of illiterate Latin-American peasant lettuce-pickers, but Islamic males of military age with jihad, baby-roasting and gang-raping on their mind, an actual neutron bomb or Jose Padilla dirty bomb is a real possibility

So, while Greenfield's essay is as usual well-written and accurate, it misses a crucial factor. Getting rid of Mayorkas is the equivalent of getting rid of Eichmann, while Himmler, Hitler and the entire SS remain in place. There is no doubt that Mayorkas is a twisted, ideologically driven dangerous parasite. But getting rid of him is pissing-in-the-wind-symbolism, because behind him are hundreds of other poison-Ivy League anti-American automatons as bad or even perhaps worse than he is.

Even more worserer, Biden and his puppet master Obama/Jarrett/Rice/Power-Sunstein will remain in place. And if God-willing Trump wins, the entire unelected bureaucracy is still there, which will be equally treasonous in its insubordination. Ditto every other agency, office and bureaucracy in DC.

What possibly could happen as November looms like the anvil above Wile E. Coyote as he plunges 1,000 feet to the canyon floor, is that Mayorkas becomes the fall guy and then the Dems can claim "Problem solved!" while directing the mass Greek chorus of the propaganda machine, led by minimally talented Pop Tart Taylor Strumpet, to shriek "Roe, Roe, Roe the vote!" from now until well after the last 18-wheeler of ballots is unpacked and run through the tabulators a few hundred times to get to the required winning number.

So, the GOP-led House has brought up articles of impeachment against Mayorkas for his criminality in the catastrophe at the border. At the same time, the same GOP-led House is doing this:

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is rushing through a tax bill unveiled days ago over significant policy objections from both conservative and centrist factions of the Republican Party.

Conservatives have spoken out against provisions in the bill they see as handouts to illegal immigrants, particularly an expansion of the Child Tax Credit without language requiring the parent to have a Social Security number. They argue the expansion would serve as an additional powerful migration pull, even as migrant encounters at the border reach record highs under [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden. . .

. . . Despite the criticism within his party, Johnson has touted the bill, calling it “important bipartisan legislation to revive conservative pro-growth tax reform.”

Yet significant conservative opposition to the bill exists. Richard Stern, Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Herman Center for the Federal Budget and a former budget staffer to Johnson, told Breitbart News the bill is “a Trojan horse to expand welfare programs, including those that go to illegal aliens.”

Yay! Bipartisanship! But wait. There's more!

[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s Department of Alcohol, Tabacco, and Firearms is working with the Department of Justice to regulate private gun sales into oblivion by mandating background checks for personal firearm exchanges, according to whistleblower group Empower Oversight.

Federal law currently requires background checks for any gun buyers who purchase their new weapons through a licensed federal firearms dealer (FFL). Two sources in communication with Empower Oversight confirmed the ATF is prepared to move forward with a rule that would classify a closed-door gun sale between friends or family members the same as firearm purchases made from FFLs.

The rule, proposed by the DOJ and ATF at the behest of Biden’s gun control wish list issued in March 2023, seeks to change the definition of “who is engaged in the business of dealing in firearms” to increase the number of Americans required to become FFLs, a lengthy and far from “easy” process, that must conduct background checks to sell their guns. The ATF and DOJ credits Democrats’ 2022 gun control bill, which passed because more than a dozen Republican senators agreed to betray their base.

Did your eyes just fly out of their sockets like champagne corks?

The GOP — Grifting Oleaginous Parasites.

* * * * *

Other things of note at press time:

James O'Keefe skunked a Biden junta apparatchik, and oh boy.

What about the rumors of replacing Joe Biden with Michelle Obama? Well, interestingly enough, Kraiger told O’Keefe that he had a meeting with Michelle Obama and someone asked her if she’d run for office. According to Kraiger, she said no. "Empathically.” 

"She was like, ‘I've seen all this s--t my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’"

. . . Ahh, but there's more. Kraiger also spilled the beans about the incredible dysfunction in the vice president’s office. According to Kraiger, Kamala Harris  "hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse.” But, that’s not even the juiciest part.

“She will be the vice president nominee,” Kraiger noted. "There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn’t, she's not popular, but you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the Goddamn presidential ticket. Like what kind of message are you going to send to like African-American voters.…People would be like, 'What the f**k?' Like she's a woman and she's multiracial.”

I've postulated that Big Mikey Forearms is too lazy and too comfortable to be the candidate, especially if it meant being her gay-boy husband's puppet. And voila! Things could change but I doubt it.

Aside from the comedic yet frightening dysfunction at the top, there's this disgusting story:

Reports that the Biden [junta] is considering recognizing a Palestinian state—upending decades of U.S. policy—are generating intense criticism from Republican lawmakers who say the timing of these leaks marks a stunning betrayal of Israel as it fights to eradicate Hamas terrorists."

As Joe Biden signals that the clock on his support for Israel is running out—a White House endorsement of a two-state solution would be the worst betrayal of our strongest ally in the Middle East, a reversal on decades-long U.S. policy, and a reward to Hamas terrorists who committed the most barbaric attacks against the Jewish community since the Holocaust," Rep. Tom Emmer (R., Minn.), the House majority whip, told the Washington Free Beacon, echoing comments from other GOP offices.

"I will personally use every ounce of leverage at my disposal to ensure the Biden administration does not go through with this absurd idea," Emmer told the Free Beacon, hinting at a looming showdown between the White House and pro-Israel leaders in Congress.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the creation of a Palestinian state would implant "an enclave for global terrorism" in Israel’s backyard, setting the stage for future conflicts with Israel.
"A Palestinian state would not only be an enclave for global terrorism and an existential threat to Israel, it would legitimize the aims of the attack on October 7, effectively rewarding Hamas," Cotton told the Free Beacon. "It’s clear the Biden administration simply wants to appease the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. It’s shameful this is even a topic of discussion."

The Biden [junta] has been under pressure from the Democratic Party’s left wing to push for a ceasefire that would end the nearly four-month-long conflict. Anti-Israel lawmakers like Reps. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) have also floated proposals to cut off U.S. arms sales to Israel and end military aid to the Jewish state.

While the massive pogrom launched on Israel revealed the extant yet shocking levels of Jew-hatred in the Democrat party and its base, still more people have been repulsed by it and I think (read: I pray) they outnumber the Einsatz-groupies by a wide margin.

Groundhog Day! Will DeBolshevik drop another one on its head?


  • Lloyd Billingsley: "The leftist-woke-Islamophilia axis in action."
    Charting the CIA Jihad Against Trump
  • "Vigilance is necessary this time around to insure a free and fair election and to keep the cement of fundamental transformation from hardening into unbreakable rock."
    How’s Life in Obama’s Fundamentally-Transformed America Working Out for You So Far?
  • "There has never been such a global policy statement as Agenda 30, which is really is not about policy but about an intended power grab of unprecedented proportions."
    Agenda 2030: A Power-mad Document
  • "Mark Steyn presciently predicted in his 2005 book, America Alone – The End of the World as We Know It that, unless things change, Europe was a forgone Muslim conclusion. However, the United States could live on. But with Joe Biden's open border policy resulting in hundreds of thousands of people from across the globe sneaking into the nation, it is easy to see how things can change, quickly."
    The United States of Allah: It Happened in My Neighborhood, Yours Is Next
  • Miranda Devine: "It’s a frightening feeling when the world feels out of control and you can’t trust the people in charge. A reader this week put his finger on this central truth of politics. 'I don’t think the average voter comprehends that some politicians will sacrifice peoples’ lives and risk national destruction for personal political gain,' he said."
    Joe Biden’s Dangerous, Cynical Iran Concessions Prove His Concern is 2024 [rigged] Re-Election – Not America’s Safety
  • "He said that Jan. 6 prisoners understand that standing 'up and fight[ing] against tyranny' brings the full force of leftist officials who, he argues, 'want to destroy you and your family' . . . Unfortunately, Lang and dozens of other Jan. 6 prisoners are incarcerated in D.C., where Lang argues that it is impossible to have an unbiased jury. He supported that claim with recently published poll data."
    J6 Prisoner Details Abusive Prison Conditions

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:47 AM

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