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October 19, 2023
My World Is Spinning and Reality Is Dissolving Before My Eyes
Nothing Deb Heine writes here makes any sense at all. None of it.
Trans UC Davis Assistant Professor Threatens Jewish Journalists and Their Children on X: 'They Should Fear Us'
Wait wait wait -- a black transgender is a radical professor at a "university" and is engaging in threatening behavior, believing, correctly, that black trans radicals can do whatever they want without any fear of consequences?
Universities wouldn't hire such people! They are bastions of reason and virtue!
The floor has turned to rubber and I can barely stay myself from falling through the ceiling.
A black trans UC Davis assistant professor of American Studies at UC Davis posted a threatening message on X earlier this month targeting Jewish journalists and their children.
Jemma DeCristo, previously named Jeramy Marcus Decristo...
I like that he changed his old fake name to a new fake name.
...tweeted on October 10: "One group of people we have easy access to in the US is all these Zionist journalists who spread propaganda & misinformation. They have houses with addresses, kids in school. They can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more."
The post was punctuated with emoji images of a meat cleaver, an ax, and three drops of blood.
Oh wow a black transgender is filled with rage, mania, and violent ideations? That makes no sense! The violent terrorist cadres of antifa contain zero such persons!
And this pyrsyn got hired by a "university," assumedly based strictly on academic merit?
It just doesn't make sense.
The walls are covered with eyes and they're all blinking secret Martian codes.
Decristo, according to Ngo, "has long been steeped in CRT and violent decolonization theory."
A university hired a criminal to exhort young adults to commit violence up to and including murder for the sake of "decolonization"? And CRT?
What? What is the senselessness you're babbling, Deb?
My limbs turned into strange bats and flapped away.
These are the fucking psychotic derelicts that "universities" are paying $80,000 per year to pervert and derange their children -- and then demanding taxpayer subsidies for.
The FBI immediately opened an investigatory case file on Christian parents.
PS, pointing out that a transgender is posting clear threats to kill people's children is actually Literal Violence to the trans community. You should all be ashamed.
More at the post.
Meanwhile, the Soros front group the ADL is having a normal one:

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
02:28 PM
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