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The Week in Woke »
July 14, 2023
Tucker Carlson Ends Corporate Liberal Asa Hutchinson at Candidate Forum In Iowa
Before getting to that:
A Wall Street analyst downgrades Fox News' stock due to its loss of viewers.
A top financial services company downgraded Fox Corporation's stock on Monday, noting issues with the network's viewership, earnings, and content.
An analyst with Wells Fargo downgraded shares of Fox Corp. from "equal weight" to "underweight," lowering the price target from $35 per share to $31 per share, according to multiple reports on Monday.
"Fox News is the FOXA cash cow at [around] 80 percent of our FY24E EBITDA," Steven Cahall, with Wells Fargo, wrote, referring to the acronym for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. "Viewership is down -19% Jan-June'23 vs Jan-June'21 due to cord cutting and/or programming."
Mr. Cahall added that "more worryingly, Fox News was 52 percent of cable news primetime viewership for 2020-22, 51 percent in Jan'23, and that has slid to a low of 38 percent in June'23 post-TC," reported Investing.com. "[Fox News'] share of conservative news viewers has fallen from 94 percent to 84 percent."
And the Wall Street Journal reports that Tucker Carlson is seeking financing to start a "new media company," with "Twitter as the backbone." Not sure I understand that.
Tucker Carlson Is Creating a New Media Company
Former Fox News host and associate look to raise funds for new venture that could use Twitter as its backbone
Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and former White House adviser Neil Patel are seeking to raise funds to start a new media company that would potentially use Twitter as its backbone, according to people familiar with the matter.
Tucker Carlson is hosting a forum with six presidential candidates in Iowa. They won't be debating each other; Tucker is interviewing each alone.
Or rather, Tucker is debating them.
Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.today
Tucker: How many Covid shots did you take and how do you feel about it in retrospect?
Asa Hutchinson: How many Covid shots did you take?
Tucker: Zero.
That clip here.
But it was on Asa Hutchinson's corporate-funded support of transgenderism that Tucker really opened him up.
Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.today
Tucker pivots to asking Asa Hutchinson about Ukraine
Asa starts quoting the Bible and filibustering
Julio Rosas
Glenn Beck compares Asa Hutchinson's interview with Tucker to the Hindenburg disaster: "I don't think I have seen anything burst into flames and die that fast."
Tucker grills Tim Scott about Ukraine. Scott refused to make any clear statements about it.
And Pence? Wow.
That's not my concern?
I'm going to be charitable and assume that this wooden-headed moron wasn't really listening and was just calculating which memorized soundbite answer to regurgitate and pretend he's actually engaged in a dialogue.
Oh: A friend says he's trying to say, no, tanks to Ukraine is not my concern, offering vague platitudes like "America Is Totally The Best You Guys, I'm Being So Serious RN" is my concern.
It's being broadcast on Blaze Media.