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July 03, 2023
The Morning Report — 7/3/23
Good morning, kids. Hope your holiday weekend has been restful and enjoyable. The fallout over the long overdue ditching of mirror universe Jim Crow, a.k.a. "affirmative action," something that never should have seen the light of day in this country (or at least what this country used to be before its demise) continues. Of course the incoherent, inchoate and rabid protestations from the usual quarters are in direct proportion to the absolute sound Constitutional grounds and righteous justice in the case against it.
In any event, logic, reason and morality long ago dictated that this debasement of the foundational American concept of equal opportunity as stated should never have seen the light of day. Again, read Clarence Thomas' concurrence, which was delivered as a rare, and stinging upbraiding of the angry piffle from the mind (if you could call it that) of this Kentanji Brown-25 Jackson in her dissent. It didn't even rise to the level of piffle. It was piffle light, although it was crammed to the gills with bromides, falsehoods, distortions and outright lies about this nation and our society. The one thing that it lacked was any reference to the United States Constitution in general nor the horribly bastardized and abused 14th Amendment.
Two reactions worth noting, first from hack Crayola Crayon scribe and racialist shit-whore Jemelle Hill:
Asian Wave Alliance President Yiatin Chu took to Twitter to praise the decision.
“I told my daughter that today is a big day. They’ve ended affirmative action. ‘Isn’t it what you’re been fighting for?’ she asked. I said yes,” Chu tweeted.
Leftists, like Hill, however, saw the joy felt by Asian Americans as bolstering a racist plot to keep blacks out of universities.
“Can’t wait until she reads that you gladly carried the water for white supremacy and stabbed the folks in the back whose people fought diligently for Asian American rights in America,” Hill wrote.
Hill’s characterization of Chu’s happiness with the ruling as stabbing in the back those who “fought diligently for Asian American rights” is troubling on multiple levels. If she’s referencing pioneer-level civil rights activists of the 1960s, then there could be some justification for the comment in the sense that those activists succeeded in opening up many public and private institutions that had hitherto been inaccessible to non-whites.
However, the civil rights activists who wanted to be judged not by the “color of their skin” but by the “content of their character” are clearly not the activists running the modern civil rights movement. The modern civil rights movement -led mainly by those who agree with Jemele Hill – views race as a political and economic calculation.
From the tragic we go to the hilarious:
Left-wing MSNBC anchor Joy Reid admitted Sunday she only got accepted into Harvard University because of race-based affirmative action.
“I got into Harvard only because of affirmative action,” Reid’s personal “ReidOut Blog” began.
You can turn off your sets there. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we in the trade refer to as "The Clincher." I won't burden you with the rest of the article but Reid claims that Clarence Thomas supposedly benefited from affirmative action as well. I have found nothing in my research to bear that claim out whatsoever. But let's assume for a moment that that's true. I would very much like to do a side by side comparison of Reid's and Thomas' transcripts in terms of grades and the courses that each took. Beyond that, look at the accomplishments of both as well as their scholarly work and attitudes towards this nation, its people and heritage. Like Justice Brown 25, who got a seat on SCOTUS the same way Reid got into Harvard, Joy Reid is an amoeba compared to Clarence Thomas in every metric possible.
Here's a bonus link from another pinhead, the stacked, stupid but dangerous Evita-ta-tas. After one tantrum in which she complains that Thomas' brilliant dismantling of Brown-25's nonsense dissent was both insulting to her, Brown-25, as well as to say that blacks aren't victims, she went off on the Court itself:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested over the weekend that there are no checks on the U.S. Supreme Court and that there was nothing balancing out their power, despite the fact that those things exist. . .
“The courts, if they were to proceed without any check on their power, without any balance on their power, then we will start to see an undemocratic and, frankly, dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in the Supreme Court, which is what we are seeing now, from the overturning of abortion rights, to the ruling that discrimination and, frankly, stripping the full personhood and dignity of LGBTQ people in the United States,” she claimed.
“These are the types of rulings that signal a dangerous creep towards authoritarianism and centralization of power in the court,” she claimed. “In fact, we have members of the court themselves, with Justice Elena Kagan, saying that the court is beginning to assume the power of a legislature.”
That last paragraph: R-O-F-L-M-F-A-O!!!! Honestly, I can't necessarily fault her for not knowing about the concept of co-equal branches, checks and balances, etc. Aside from her getting an advanced degree from Boston University in economics (don't laugh, it's totally deserved!), she's ignorant of those facts and the fact that we haven't really operated the way the founders intended for decades.
The court has acted not so much as a super-legislature but as a rubber stamp of anything and everything anti-Constitutional that either managed to be passed into law by corrupt Congresscritters or mostly as a result of lawsuits brought against the real lawmaking power in this country, the Bureaucracy. What Colada-Tits here is really pissed at is that the power of the Court which she and her ilk have been under the assumption belonged solely to the Left has been used against them!
You can thank Donald Trump for that and in a strange way Ruth Bader-Meinhoff for refusing to give up her seat despite age and cancer when Obama could have easily replaced her with an affirmative action hire or someone as anti-Constitutional as Meinhoff herself. But no. Hillary Clinton wanted to make sure that after her victory in 2016, she would have the propaganda victory of appointing Meinhof's successor. How'd that work out for you, Titty-Caca? Leftists? Bueller?
Psaki-Psircling back to her vomitus, in a strange way she's actually right. Every June, as Mark Levin would tell us, America sits on pins and needles waiting to hear the decisions from 9 very flawed human beings that will have consequences for their fellow 330 million citizens that will be carved into granite, seemingly forever. If she really was serious about "the centralization of power in the court," she should lead the charge to overturn Marbury v. Madison. Of course, what she and her ilk fear is the loss of that power, since as is painfully obvious to all but the demented and the Fetterman, that is what they have wielded against us for so long via a, if not the primary weapon in their arsenal: a corrupt judiciary. Of course, even Trump appointees to the court have gotten it wrong as we saw last week with the gerrymandering case.
But everything is so corrupted that even when court decisions do go our way, the Left and their allies in and out of government will disregard them and figure ways around them, as is already the case with universities that are going to merely use other criteria beyond grades to fill their lecture halls with the unprepared and the undeserving.
Most dangerous of all, are the words and attitudes of the Jemelle Hills of this nation, which merely fuel the fires of hatred and dissolution.
Speaking of which, and after a longer than anticipated disquisition on this issue, we take you to France where almost 80 years later, Schickelgruber gets his way:
While the Leftist-Islamic alliance is cracking elsewhere due to the Left’s determination to normalize gender delusions and fantasies and sexualize children, in France, it has the whole country aflame, and could conceivably bring about the end of the Republic. What is happening now in France was entirely foreseeable, but few dared foresee it, for fear of being called “racist,” “Islamophobic,” and “far right.” Once again those who have been smeared with such terms turn out to have been right all along.
The now-nationwide riots started as video spread of an incident that look place last Tuesday, when a 17-year-old Muslim, who has been identified only as Nahel M., was shot by police. . .
. . . And so the George Floyd riots have come to France, featuring the same dubiously-based righteous rage cloaking organized and clearly planned operations designed to destabilize the state. As in the George Floyd riots, Leftists are out in force, as journalist Andy Ngo described in one of several videos of the riots that he tweeted: “In scenes reminiscent of the 2020 American BLM-Antifa insurrection where police stations were attacked, officers witnessed black bloc militants carrying out a coordinated assault on the Fresnes Prison near Paris during the ongoing race riots.”
Antifa black bloc militants, however, were by no means the only forces taking advantage of the situation. Another demonstrator shouted: “Allahu akbar, we are Muslims, if the police kill us we have the right to kill, it’s written in the Qur’an!” Many, if not most, of the rioters and looters are Muslim migrants. France is around ten percent Muslim, and that population is significantly more youthful, and growing more quickly, than the non-Muslim population. . .
. . . When France embarked upon its policy of admitting Muslims into the country in massive numbers, there were many who predicted that a significant percentage of those Muslims would refuse all efforts to assimilate them into French society and culture, out of the belief that French culture was the product of the “most vile of created beings,” as the Qur’an calls non-Muslims (98:6), while Muslims were “the best of people” (Qur’an 3:110). The French government did little or nothing to stymie the growth of Sharia enclaves all over France, as these enclaves were the natural product of the ethos of multiculturalism; anyone who noted how inhospitable they had become to non-Muslims was shouted down as “Islamophobic.”
. . . Will the French government be toppled? Macron is ostentatiously unworried, even to the Marie-Antoinettish extent of attending an Elton John concert as his nation burned. But his position is more precarious than he is letting on, as the riots are ubiquitous and so far uncontrollable. Will an Islamic state be imposed in France? Almost certainly not, or at least not yet. Given demographic trends, one may be inevitable, but there will likely be a few intermediate steps first. Since the rioters are both Leftists and Muslims, the first government after the fall of the republic could be an authoritarian Marxist one. But for the Left’s allies in France, that will not do in the long run.
As the estimable Robert Spencer warns the Left, your allies today will be your executioners tomorrow. And you'll be the first to go. While there are differences, there are some striking and alarming similarities to the events that touched this off in France and to the racial/political/societal tinderbox that is this nation and what it has rapidly devolved into since 2009.
We'll see if this is the Jemelle Hill to die on.
- Clarice Feldman: "I think it’s safe to say as opposition to the big idea plans of a net-zero world grows, the green agenda only grows more ridiculous and its credibility further diminishes."
Fink Blinks, Pizza Suffers, Whales Die
- "If Americans cannot trust uniformed police officers to be honest, then it likely follows that Americans cannot trust secret police officers, the FBI’s undercover operations, the intelligence community, and other government employees to be honest."
Secret Police in America
- Clarice Feldman: "Donald Trump's steadfastness regarding Supreme Court appointments has accomplished more in one week that movement conservatives did in fifty years."
Trump’s Greatest Triumph: A Court That Follows the Constitution
- "Thomas wrote a nearly 60-page concurrence to express his horror at institutionalized racial discrimination in 21st-century America." (I saw Zingers, Maxims, and Mic-Drops open for Emerson, Lake and Palmer at the Big O in '76 - jjs)
The 15 Best Zingers, Maxims, and Mic-Drops From Clarence Thomas’ Harvard Concurrence
- As Thomas, a black man who grew up dirt-poor in the Jim Crow South, concluded in his SFFA concurrence: “While I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination, I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: that all men are created equal, are equal citizens, and must be treated equally before the law.”
Supreme Court Ends the Last Vestige of ‘Systemic Racism’ in America
- “The goal of elite higher education is not simply to produce individual elites.”
Diversity Won’t Save Our Ruling Class
- “Most white Americans believe that people of all racial backgrounds have a fair chance to get into the college of their choice,” the Ipsos page revealing the results said. “Compare that to Black Americans, most of whom believe that Black people have an unfair disadvantage. Similarly, a significant minority of Latino Americans believes people of their ethnic group have an unfair disadvantage.”
Most Americans Support Supreme Court Decision On Affirmative Action: Poll
- “I think it’s profoundly insulting. And I think that he really demonstrated his character, frankly, and his worldview in that critique himself,” she added. (Bingo, colada-tits! He demonstrated brilliance and the apex of western civilizational development! - jjs)
Titty-Caca Ocasio-Cortez: It Is ‘Profoundly Disrespectful’ for Clarence Thomas to Say Blacks are Not ‘Victims’
- Here's an idea, colada-tits. Let's overturn Marbury v. Madison.
Titty Caca AOC Suggests She Does Not Know of Any Checks on the Supreme Court
* * * * *
- “As a reminder, BU also offers a number of wellness resources that are willing and able to help students navigate these times.”
Boston University School of Law Offers Students Therapy Over Recent SCOTUS Rulings
- ". . . because Ginsburg had become such a totem to the left, she saw herself as irreplaceable. She allowed her hubris to take control, and, to borrow a phrase the left loves to use so much, 'nevertheless, she persisted.' She wanted to hold on until Hillary Clinton could replace her, but we all know that never came to fruition."
Who Deserves the Credit (and the Blame) for Conservative Supreme Court Victories?
- "Clarence Thomas's concurrences and Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissent, which offer point and counterpoint in Student for Fair Admissions, provide the yin and yang of judicial activism and its opposite."
Justices Thomas And Jackson Help Us Understand Judicial Activism
- "Ketanji Brown Jackson’s dissent is an extension of all the other nonsensical, offensive arguments made by the left."
Affirmative Action is Another Nonsense Leftist Position We’ve Been Conditioned to Take Seriously
- Blood meet libel.
Hack Crayon-Scribbler Jemele Hill Accuses Asians of ‘Carrying the Water’ for White Supremacy by Backing SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision
- This, ladies in gentlemen, is what is referred to in the trade as "the clincher." - jjs
Joy Reid: "I Got Into Harvard Because of Affirmative Action," Surprising No One
- Miranda Devine: "With Hunter Biden’s former 'best friend in business' Devon Archer slated to testify this month before he goes to jail with nothing much left to lose, and other as yet unidentified whistleblowers emerging with more explosive evidence in coming weeks, a Houdini act for the Biden gang seems unlikely, even with the power of the White House, a complicit media and the best lawyers money can buy."
Blowing the Lid Off the Coverup of Hunter Biden's Cushy Plea Deal
- "This revelation sparked considerable outrage online, with conservatives claiming that the president abandoned his granddaughter for political purposes. The New York Times even went as far as to acknowledge that the [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] treatment of Navy Joan could potentially cost him votes in 2024."
Report: Biden Aides Told to Ignore Hunter’s Estranged Daughter in Grandchildren Count
- Roger Kimball: "Had I not been disappointed so often before when presented with cases of patent corruption, I’d say the results would include fresh indictments for Hunter and impeachment for Joe Biden. Yes, I know that conclusion is utopian, but the fact that it is only further fires my sense of outrage. It is some consolation to know that I am not alone."
Biden Bribery Wheeze is like the Russia Collusion Delusion
- "Someone is lying."
The Case Against Merrick Garland is Very Simple
- "District Attorney Fani Willis' obsession to convict Donald Trump for some crime could be the turning point in the Left's perpetual assault on the former President."
In Defense of Donald Trump
- "It is essential to understand the nature of those actively dismantling our nation the next time they emerge."
Cleanup in Kenosha, Aisle 4
- "Layoffs come as George Soros prepares to hand power to his playboy son, Alex."
Nazi Collaborator Soros Charity to Slash Workforce By 40 Percent
- "The real story of America is one in which tyranny is repudiated and unjust governments are unwelcome."
Sorry, DC — Too Many Americans Remember\
- "In France, a storm is brewing (again), and French President Emmanuel Macron appears to have figured it all out – it’s social media and video games that are to blame for the ongoing riots in France!"
Macron Wants Platforms To Delete Riot Content, Blames Social Media and Video Games For Riot Spread
- "If we’re now seeing examples of media control of reality, just wait for the presidential campaign to really get going. Then 'fake news' will be drowning us every time we turn on the boob tube or open up the Washington Post."
MSM Has Convinced Even Republicans to Believe Hunter’s Business is No Big Deal
- Blue Peter – named for its original maritime “adventure” theming – is the world’s longest-running children’s TV show, dating back to the 1950s. The daily show has typically taught kids about food, arts and crafts, sports, and even traditional gender roles. “Leila played with dolls; Chris played with trains,” historian Asa Briggs wrote of the program.
BBC’s Historic ‘Traditional Gender Roles’ Kids Show Now Pushes Pride, Drag Queens
- "Courtney Subramanian of the Los Angeles Times will hold this board position for the next three years, meaning she will be the lead print correspondent for the rest of President Joe Biden’s first term."
White House Journo Who Fed Her Question To Joe Biden Elected To WHCA Board Seat
- Christian Toto: "Head-in-sand reporters ignore half the country's views on woke blockbusters."
Media Deny Critical Reasons for Dial of Destiny’s Failure
- "It’s working all right, assuming that Biden’s plan was to destroy America."
The 4 Big Lies (And 1 Terrible Truth) In Biden’s ‘Bidenomics Is Working’ Speech - "While everyone’s focus has been on the administration’s outrageous cancellation stunt, the DOE has been working tirelessly to accomplish an even more disastrous policy: a new Income-Driven Repayment rule."
Student Loan Forgiveness is Dead But Biden's Got an even WORSE Plan
- “This new path is legally sound,” [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden said in a Friday press conference. “It’s going to take longer, but in my view it’s the best path that remains for providing for as many borrowers as possible.”
Biden Junta's New Student Loan Plan Will Involve Zero-Dollar Payments For Millions, No Penalties for a Year
- "The Democrats’ ‘reparative’ policies have become an omnipresent part of the U.S. economy and only continue to grow in prevalence and scope."
House GOP Rejects Socialist Mortgage Rule, But That Won’t Stop Biden From Taking Your Money For ‘Equity’
- "Meanwhile, offshore wind farms are facing a rising tide of mechanical breakdown issues and a solar farm in Nebraska was taken out by a hail storm."
Another ‘Green Energy’ Domino Falls: Shell Refocusing on Gas and Oil
- ". . . in an attempt to 'quickly cool the planet.'“
Biden White House Publishes Plans to Block the Sun. Seriously
- "Of the many odious Left-wing protest groups the West tolerates for some reason, Just Stop Oil (JSO) may be the most reviled in all of England. . . "
Mad Lads Hijack 'Just Stop Oil' Protest, Take Their Banner on Stag Party Trip to Ibiza
- "It is disappointing that so many Americans believe to some degree in the climate hoax after all these years. But it is encouraging that Americans are not falling hook, line, and sinker for some of the lies around electric vehicles and fossil fuels."
Majority of Americans Believe ‘Climate Change’ Hoax but Oppose Ending Fossil Fuels
- "Give another reliability point to traditional energy sources like oil, natural gas, coal, and even nuclear. Those tend not to be utterly destroyed by entirely predictable weather events."
Mother Nature Strikes Back
- "Many companies have grown cautious, moderated their positions, stopped extolling their activism, or left 'socially responsible' alliances altogether."
Are We Finally Heading Toward ESG Sanity?
- "In Fiscal Year 2022, illegal aliens with more than 17,500 drunk driving convictions were arrested by ICE agents. Illegal aliens with more than 8,700 drunk driving charges against them were also arrested by ICE agents within the same time period."
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to Give Standard Driver’s Licenses to over 300,000 Illegal Aliens
- "Josue Manuel Arita, an illegal alien from Guatemala, was charged in 2019 by the Wyandotte County District Attorney’s Office with two counts of aggravated criminal sodomy and two counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child."
Illegal Alien Has Convictions for Sexually Abusing Two Kids Overturned
- “The fact that these horrific shootings continue to take place is abominable,” Moore said. “We as a state will continue to do everything we can to prevent senseless acts of violence like the one we saw last night.”
Police Report At Least Two Dead, 28 Injured In Baltimore Shooting
- When asked if social media companies were cooperating with federal law enforcement in trying to fix the problem, Milgram said, “We have not, until recently, gotten nearly as much cooperation as we need.”
DEA Junta Apparatchik Blames Social Media Companies For Fentanyl Crisis Infecting U.S.
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Children and pregnant women are suitable subjects for experiments with toxic drugs."
Fauci Family Values
- "A new group is getting the word out about the deadly [Chinese] COVID hospital protocol."
Exposing the Chinese COVID Hospital Protocol
- "Since its origin, liberals, both White and Black, have actively denigrated African American students."
The Real Status of Black Students
- "Affirmative action is dead, but the fight for equal educational opportunity persists."
The End of the Beginning
- "Until teachers are treated as individual professionals instead of interchangeable union members, millions of children will suffer."
U.S. School Deterioration: Poorest Performing Teachers Should Be First to Go
- The application is touted by CBP as a “safe, orderly, and humane” process for migrants to access ports of entry, providing CBP officers with advance information for screening and vetting to determine admissibility on a case-by-case basis. The use of the application for this purpose is facing criticism by some members of Congress who believe the admission of migrants through ports of entry is merely an attempt to hide the crisis at the southwest border from the public.
Migrant Asylum Entries Increased by 50 Percent Under Biden’s Phone App
- "How many thousands of migrants are being released into our communities who should have been stopped at the border? The Biden [junta], as usual, is putting Americans at risk through its woke policies."
Thousands of Inadmissible Migrants Enter U.S. Through Biden Program
- "Democrats thought they would pick up a seat in Alabama, but they may lose the one Alabama seat they currently have."
Democrats’ Voting Rights Act ‘Win’ In Alabama May Backfire, Set Up Republican Congressional Sweep
- "The Supreme Court lost an opportunity to uphold religious liberty."
A Necessary — But Troubling — Win for Free Speech in 303 Creative v. Elenis
- "Writing for the majority, Neil Gorsuch left little doubt the current Supreme Court has a vested interest in defending Americans’ First Amendment rights."
8 Straight-Fire Quotes from Neil Gorsuch’s Defense of Free Speech in 303 Creative
- "Christians must be ready with an unwavering answer when a lost world asks something of us we know we cannot do — no matter how big or small — and then be prepared to carry that cross."
Courage is a Christian’s Only Path Forward From the Legal Hell the ‘Winsome’ Gospel Wrought
- "The breathing room afforded by the Court should not give Christians a false sense of security."
To Fight Another Day
- “Don’t stand in front like you treated someone that’s on the plantation that you own.”
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Doubles Down on Calling Elderly White Critic and Holocaust Survivor a "Plantation Owner"
- Robert Zimmerman: "The leftist members of the Supreme Court did something it has been rare for them to do in recent years, rule on the side of a Christian."
A blacklisted American wins in court
- Daniel Greenfield: "Lipstadt condemned three countries. One of them was Israel."
Biden’s Anti-Semitism Czar Condemns Israel, Not Anti-Semites
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] leaned on Ivy League connections to get his subpar student granddaughter into college."
Joe Biden Says He Wants To Crack Down on 'Privilege' in Education. He Once Called UPenn's President To Get His Granddaughter In.
- "Based on newly revealed evidence, Republicans are now questioning the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General’s (DOD OIG) April 2020 finding that a former senior defense official — Sally Donnelly — did not engage in ethical misconduct by allegedly trying to steer a massive government contract to Amazon." (wrist meet slap, if that - jjs)
Republicans Demand Answers on DOD Clearing Former Official of Alleged Misconduct on Amazon JEDI Bid
- "President Donald J. Trump is speaking to thousands of attendees at the Pickens, South Carolina ‘Save America Rally’ on Saturday, July 1st as part of the July 4th celebrations around the United States."
WATCH: Trump Speaks to Thousands in Pickens, South Carolina
- "The Republican Party is far from perfect, but the Democrat Party is plain evil."
Democrats Baseless Lies Are Responsible For Today’s Divisiveness
- "DeSantis’ sheer hubris jeopardizes his record and legacy in his home state. If DeSantis had waited patiently and continued emulating Trump in word and deed, he may have organically emerged as a logical standard-bearer of the MAGA movement worthy of consideration as a potential Republican presidential nominee in 2028. But DeSantis’ blind ambition has effected an ill-advised 2024 presidential run that will doom his national ambitions in the election cycles to come, as his populism reveals itself to be a carefully orchestrated façade by spin doctors and Washington lobbyists."
Republican Voters Won't Settle for a Pale Imitation of Donald Trump
- "Brown took office in 2007, when Ohio had a Democratic governor and an 11-7 congressional delegation split in favor of the GOP. The state currently has a Republican governor and a 10-5 delegation split in favor of Republicans. GOP Gov. Mike DeWine won reelection in 2022 by 25 points, while state Attorney General Dave Yost and LaRose both won by 20 points."
OH Sen. Sherrod Brown Note Could Lose His Seat, First Polls Show
- "Regardless of which faction will come out on top, destabilization of the largest nuclear power on the planet is a precarious proposition."
The Mystery of Prigozhin’s Mutiny
- "The Prigozhin-Wagner episode has revealed many fault lines in the current power structure in Russia."
Prigozhin's 'Non-Insurrection' Insurrection
- "Is Germany resuming its historical role as Russia’s counterbalance on the continent?"
The Iron Cross Returns to the East
- Burns – who continues to display strong ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a relationship which continued even after [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden picked him to be America’s top spy – highlighted the recent Wagner revolt as a challenge to President Vladimir Putin and argued that it demonstrated the “corrosive effect” of the war on Russian society.
Russia ‘Coup’ Provides CIA Recruitment Opportunities, Says Director
- "And I thought being a Nazi was supposed to be a bad thing."
Western Leaders Have Effectively Embraced Ukrainian Nazism
- Thierry Mariani, an MEP with Marine Le Pen's National Rally, told The Telegraph that Macron's decision to attend the singer's concert while rioters torched buildings and looted businesses was "totally irresponsible."
Macron Parties with Elton John as France Burns, Then Cancels Visit to Germany as Race Riots Rage On
- "Muslim violence in France – and everywhere."
France on Fire
- SkyNews UK: “Burning car used in ram-raid attack on mayor’s home in ‘assassination attempt.’”
“Intifada in Heart of France” – Mobs Torch Cities, Desecrate Holocaust and WWII Memorial
- Vincent Jeanburn, Mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses – a small town five miles outside Paris – had a car rammed into his house before rioters set the home ablaze as his wife and children slept. He described the attack as “an assassination attempt,” with his wife and one of his children sustaining injuries. “Last night, a milestone was reached in terms of horror and ignominy,” said Jeanbrun in an announcement on Twitter.
French Rioters Are Now Attempting to Assassinate Politicians
- "The woman's request came as police officers were being attacked by race rioters with mortar-style fireworks while responding to fires set to buildings and vehicles in Lyon, according to the video."
WATCH: Woman BEGS Police Not to Arrest Race Rioters as France Continues to Burn
- Robert Spencer: "An entirely foreseeable crisis."
The Leftist-Islamic Alliance Makes its Move in France
* * * * *
- "Fighting the wrong war at the wrong time may end up costing Xi’s control of power rather than achieving historic glory for himself and China."
Why Russia’s Instability Could Throw Off Xi Jinping’s Taiwan Invasion Timeline
- Lloyd Billingsley: For a statement calculated to anger a Communist dictator, recall President Reagan challenging Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” An equivalent with Communist China would be “Free Tibet,” or “democracy for Hong Kong,” and “freedom for Taiwan.” Nothing like that from the Biden Junta.
Under Biden, Fake News Soars to Whole New Level
- "Meanwhile, members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party request that Biden not renew a U.S.-China science and technology cooperation agreement."
U.S. Now Considering New AI Chip Export Restrictions To China
- "Bizarre and without foundation." (isn't this the story of everything Leftist? - jjs)
Sadiq Khan Claims London ‘Was Built By Migrants’
- "A terror cult in dire financial straits." (Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants will never allow them to go under - jjs)
Palestinian Authority May Declare Bankruptcy
- "To put it simply, Biden’s lack of planning ‘had serious consequences for the viability of the Afghan government and its security.’"
State Department Finally Admits In Heavily Redacted Report That Biden Botched The Afghanistan Withdrawal
- And at the end of Pride Month! Oh the humanity!
Air Travel Chaos Leaves Hundreds More Flights Cancelled Nationwide as Travelers Take Aim at Mayor Buttocks
- "The Netherlands continues to shine as an example of a country….that I would not want ours to emulate."
Research Shows Netherlands is Euthanizing Healthy People with Autism and Intellectual Handicaps
- "Researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus said as patients enter the discontinuation phase of Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, they face significant withdrawal symptoms."
Study Finds Xanax, Valium Associated With Brain Injury, Suicide
- "Using the Webb Space Telescope, scientists on June 25, 2023 took the wonderful false color infrared (heat) image of Saturn above, cropped to post here, as part of a research project [pdf] to take a number of long exposures of the ringed planet in order to test Webb’s ability to see its small moons."
Webb takes infrared (heat) image of Saturn
- "While it is certainly true that this agency, once fully staffed, could advocate for Africa’s interests on the world stage, don’t expect that from it. Instead, it is simply a place where African leaders — many of whom are very corrupt — can return favors to friends by giving them a cushy job."
Africa’s space agency wants to build an empire
- "I felt like just a rented uterus."
Surrogate Mom Speaks Out After Homo Dads Refuse t Accept Premie Baby Delivered Early to Facilitate Cancer Treatment
- Heather Mac Donald: "In the face of the Left’s hyper-aggressive transgender ideology, conservatives must reassert the legitimacy of bourgeois norms."
A Battle for Cultural Survival
- Daniel Greenfield: "The transgender movement is just completing feminism’s work."
Feminists Were Against Single Sex Spaces, Before They Were For Them
- "Heading towards a trans-communist future."
Transgenderism Lunacy: Keeping Parents in the Dark About Their Children
- “Feels like something my uncle told me when I was 9.”
Outrage as Planned Parenthood Declares VIRGINITY “A Social Construct”
- Sadly, a necessary evil. This is a war and in wars innocent people are victims, but there is no option except absolute victory.
Glass Bottling Company Lays Off Hundreds After Bud Light Implosion
- "‘Inclusion’ means Marxism, and it is replacing traditional American values."
Religious Leaders Shouldn’t Be ‘Inclusive’
- "And guess how the crowd of Church leaders responded?"
When a German Lutheran Pastor Preaches that ‘God is Queer’
- "Making Jesus in their own image."
Left-Wing Groups are Using AI to Rewrite the Bible and Talk to 'God'
- "Question: What’s the closest thing to Hell freezing over? Answer: a black pastor praising western civilization for “bringing Africa out of the darkness” in front of a Catholic congregation in Berkeley, California."
A Black Pastor Speaks Truth to Power in Berkeley
- Thad McCotter: "If sovereign citizens devolve into serfs, passively immersed in virtual reality’s incessant stream of emotionally sterile, ideologically dictated, often prurient AI generated 'art' products provided, among other things, by an omnipotent tyranny, America will die. It will be a damn hard way to realize art is essential to the health of our republic. Not that anyone will be interested in such insights anymore."
A Trilogy of Meditations on AI and Art (Part Three)
- "Mrs. Davis is a television show for our cultural moment with its odd alliances."
Strange Bedfellows
- "Populated with invisible sufferers, Alfred Hayes’s fiction retains contemporary relevance."
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:46 AM
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